Despite the fact that a growing number of Democrats support Palestinian human rights, new Democrat head Jaime Harrison will likely continue promoting the Israel lobby agenda, as represented in the party’s platform…
Israel aims to silence Palestinian journalists
Israeli forces regularly target Palestinian journalists: shooting to kill or injure, arresting and detaining, and various forms of censorship in an attempt to control the narrative – to keep a lid on the truth.
Associated Press misreports news about Gaza rocket into Israel
AP claims a Gazan rocket broke a weeks-long “cross border calm,” even though Israeli forces had fired missiles into Gaza, shot at Gazans, and invaded Gaza numerous times in the preceding weeks – read the details…
Rep. Betty McCollum leads effort to block Israel from using US aid to break int’l law
Rep. Betty McCollum has introduced a new bill (H.R. 2590) that challenges Israel’s impunity, at a time when support in Congress for Palestinian rights is at an all-time high. This issue of conditional aid to Israel has gained momentum in recent years – but there is a long way to go…
Tens of thousands attend funeral for anti-Zionist Rabbi
Naturei Karta: “The Jewish people suffered a great loss on March 7, 2021 with the passing of Rabbi Yechezkel Roth, one of the greatest religious Jewish law experts of our generation.” Tens of thousands came to his funeral. In 2017 Rabbi Roth had attended an anti-Zionist gathering of 20,000 Jews in the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn, where he gave a speech opposing Zionism.
Why AOC panders to the Israel lobby
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Progressive Except Palestine? – because Israel critics turn into Israel praisers when they have political ambitions. That’s the royal road in the Democratic Party, where the Israel lobby remains an entrenched force.
The Magic of Israel: Censorship, Now you see it, now you don’t
Philip Giraldi reports on Israel and its US lobby, covering up alleged extortion of Congressman Max Gaetz’ father, censoring textbooks, Israeli attack on US Navy ship, pardons of Israeli spies…
Would Israel Blackmail a US Congressman? Should there be any doubt?
There are indications that Israel may have been behind the alleged extortion of Congressman Matt Gaetz’ father… Presumably, Israel was prepared to use its political clout with Congress & the media to make Gaetz’ problems go away, in return for the money to fund a commando raid that would free Iranian prisoner Robert Levinson – delivering a blow to Iran and a major propaganda victory for Israel…
Caught on video: Israeli forces shot Palestinian boy, 14, in the eye
Security camera footage shows that this Palestinian boy was shot in the eye as he stood in a sheltered place with his cousin, doing nothing. Rights groups have long condemned Israel’s use of rubber-coated steel bullets, which have repeatedly killed and wounded Palestinians.
Opinion: Israeli Elections, Israel’s Movable Feast
Israel Shamir: There is no real choice for Israeli voters; the potential candidates for the prime minister’s office aren’t all that different… we should not worry too much about who will rule Israel – it’ll either be Netanyahu or one of his second-rate clones… Most politicians are Right or Far-Right –somewhere between the John Birch Society and the KKK – they won’t accept Palestinians even as junior partners in their government. And without Palestinians, none can achieve a parliamentary majority…