Rima Najjar: Rebecca Vilkomerson of JVP, can we talk?

Upon learning that Vilkomerson’s spouse works for an Israeli company (‘Check Point’ that has close ties to the IDF), Najjar writes: ‘I was deeply shocked because, despite everything, I trusted Rebecca and JVP to do the right thing. To me, the matter is one of personal integrity…”When I say I trusted JVP ‘despite everything’, I am referring to the agonizingly long wait we Palestinians have had to endure before JVP officially rejected Zionism, condemned Israel’s Zionist settler-colonial regime and embraced BDS”… Vilkomerson headed JVP for 10 years.

“Progressive Except Palestine” groups gang up on Bernie Sanders

Mike Bloomberg is courting pro-Israel, Jewish voters with conservative-type promises to keep Israel great, and progressive positions on everything else. The Democratic Majority for Israel PAC (DMFI) supports similarly PEP (Progressive Except Palestine) candidates. Both have it out for Bernie Sanders.

Pro-Israel Buttigieg backer Seth Klarman is top funder of group behind Iowa’s voting app

Behind the app that delayed Iowa’s voting results is a dark money operation funded by anti-Sanders billionaires. Its top donor, Seth Klarman, is a Buttigieg backer who has dumped money into pro-settler Israel lobby groups.