WATCH: IAK video on Peace Plan “Deal of the Century” – history & context

A 5-minute video on what the new Israel-Palestine “peace plan” is all about… the history, current context, and who was behind the Trump administration’s proposed “deal of the century”…

By If Americans Knew, narrated by Alison Weir

Citations for the statements in the video above can be found in Alison Weir’s book “Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel and on the websites and

Detailed information on the peace plan, including a link to the entire document, is here.  Some of the latest news from the Palestinian Territories is here.

Information about the history of the issue is here. Information about billionaire campaign donor Sheldon Adelson is here and here.

Information on Israel’s founding war and expulsion of Palestinians is here.

Information on the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty is here.

Information on the decision to name the new state “Israel” is here:

As for the modern State of Israel, its beginnings lie in the 19th century, when the Jewish nationalist movement Zionism took shape. Members of the movement usually referred to the hoped-for nation to be formed in Palestine as “the Jewish State,” as it was called by Theodor Herzl (in German) – “Der Judenstaat.”

During the British Mandate, Palestine’s official name in Hebrew was “Eretz Yisrael.” That was the name that appeared in Hebrew (alongside “Palestine” in English and Arabic) on the local currency, stamps and official documents, lending the name “Israel” official status.

On May 14, 1948, a couple of days before the British rule over Palestine ended, the Jewish leadership in Palestine met in Tel Aviv. Presided over by David Ben-Gurion, who would become Israel’s first prime minister, the small group decided that a Jewish state would be declared independent on the day the British left.

Then the small band turned to discussing what to name the state.

According to the only source extant for the proceedings, an article by Palestine Post writer Moshe Brilliant, published a year later, at first the group wanted to go with the name Judah, the name of the ancient Jewish Kingdom. But this name was rejected, after some discussion, since most of historic Judah fell outside the borders of the nascent state according to the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine that was on the table at the time.

The group turned to other possible names – among them “Zion” and “Tzabar” (sabra) – but then someone suggested “Israel” and a vote was held. The name “Israel” won by 7 to 3.

This video is also on YouTube here and on Facebook here.

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