Search Results for: ethnic cleansing

Apparent mass execution of Gazan women, children, babies – Day 67

Disease, heavy rains, hospitals under siege, apparent mass executions, tunnels being flooded in Gaza; days-long siege of Jenin, 7 killed; widespread prisoner abuse by Israel; Israel will continue “with or without int’l support,” war may spread to West Bank; pope, UN General Assembly overwhelmingly support ceasefire; Biden has mixed messages for Israel.

Palestinian-American child killed in Illinois: this is what media reports left out

The killing of a Palestinian-American boy on Friday was neither a random occurrence nor a simple act of Islamophobia. It happened because many media reports misinformed Americans, and politicians, including the President, repeated Israeli spin and disinformation

Labs of Oppression, Part Two: “settler violence = state violence”

In Part Two of the in-depth article from the Intercept on Israel’s decades-long campaign against Palestinians, read about how the Israeli military partners with settlers, using harassment, violence, and clandestine moves, to control Palestinian land. Palestinians are left with noncontiguous “Bantustans,” where they are still unable to live in peace.