Search Results for: associated press

Debunking Israel’s Talking Points on Deadly Gaza Protests

Even before the protest began, Israeli spokespeople framed it preemptively as a Hamas production, even though it was supported by Gaza civil society organizations and all political parties. Civilian Gazans’ willingness to walk to that fence measures their yearning to express themselves as humans and claim their freedom, even at immediate risk.

US Embassy move to Jerusalem is being fast-tracked, Adelson offers funding

Trump has now put Operation Jerusalem Embassy into hyperdrive: it should open May 15, 2018 – the 70th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel (known to Palestinians as “Nakba Day” – The Catastrophe). Billionaire Sheldon Adelson appears ready to help bankroll the project (although this may be illegal). JTA’s editor satirizes the “The Sheldon & Miriam Adelson Embassy,” featuring on-site catering…

Jared Kushner Failed to Disclose He Led a Foundation Funding Illegal Israeli Settlements Before U.N. Vote

Jared Kushner’s failure to reveal his top position on the Kushner Fund, a family charity that funds illegal Israeli settlements, follows his recent attempt to pressure the UN vote on Israeli settlements as well as other failures to fully disclose financial information.