Tags: zionism

Shlomo Sand: How Israel Went From Atheist Zionism to Jewish State

Israeli author Shlomo Sand writes: Zionism – the idea of a “Jewish State” – was at first fully secular and socialist, but how to define “a Jew” in a way that includes both the religious and the nonreligious (and no Arabs)? Eventually, religious features were appropriated and nationalized: the “need” for more land became a holy pact with God; Israel is only for Jews, not “all of its citizens.”

Trump’s Israel policies have caused a split among Israel lovers

Philip Weiss reports that Trump’s extreme pro-Israel policies have fostered a widening split among Israel-lovers. Rightwing Zionists love what Trump is doing. Centrist Zionists who worry that Israel is going off the rails are disturbed by Trump’s actions. Liberal and centrist Zionists have been going to occupied Jerusalem for more than a generation and seeing a 26-foot wall that reminded them of the Berlin wall on steroids, and seen bright red occupation signs warning Jews against going into Palestinian areas that remind them of South Africa. And they’ve done nothing…

There’s Something Rotten in Virginia: Israel Is a Malignant Force in Local Politics

Among the many state and local orgs that work in the shadows for Israel is the Virginia-Israel Advisory Board (VIAB), funded by Virginia taxpayers. VIAB’s main objective is to provide preferential and unconditional funding to oftentimes secretive Israeli business projects designed to entwine Israeli industries into Virginia industries and government. VIAB is currently being scrutinized by the state Attorney General over its handling of government funds.

Introduction: What does the Bible really say about modern Israel?

Christ-followers are eager to serve and obey God to the best of our ability and knowledge. When there are gaps in our understanding, it behooves us to “grow in wisdom.” For example, what does the Bible say about the Promised Land and God’s chosen people? An introduction, with a link to a more in depth study.

Florida’s anti-Semitism bill would go even further in blocking free speech

A Florida ‘hate crime’ bill with an expanded, Israel-centric definition of anti-Semitism and no mention of other religions, is working its way through House committees. Critics say that it violates free speech. This is the latest step in an international campaign to rewrite the definition of anti-Semitism to prevent many criticisms of Israel.