The New York Times claims that, until the Great Return March demonstrations began in Gaza, Hamas had been firing “a fairly steady tempo” of rockets at Israel. In fact, it had been firing none. Read the details…
Tags: media bias
Israeli Anti-BDS Ministry Secretly Buys Media Coverage
An Israeli ministry dedicated nearly $2 million to a covert media campaign against the BDS movement that portrayed the human rights based campaign as supposedly “antisemitic”… The fund targets both Israeli and foreign NGOs and media outlets. In return for payments, it slips its content into their social media, digital and print networks…
Michael Bloomberg’s Israel connection runs deep
The Democratic Party’s newest candidate, Michael Bloomberg, has deep ties to Israel and apparently no time for justice for Palestinians; his media empire has also pushed a pro-Israel agenda.
Why media reports on Palestine are consistently inaccurate
The Israel lobby has created an atmosphere in which journalists shy away from honest reporting on the Israel/Palestine issue. They are so fearful of being labeled anti-Semitic, they “daren’t even ask the [necessary] questions.”
JTA report on Clovis controversy over Palestine speaker fails readers
JTA published a report on a bizarre controversy in which powerful, multi-million-dollar organizations are attacking an upcoming talk in a small community college, but JTA left out much relevant information…
News media get it wrong on the Golan Heights
Standard Operating Procedure: top news outlets reporting on the Golan Heights issue have failed in their journalistic duties: euphemisms, partial truths, and omissions abound.
Not a person, but a “knife-wielding Palestinian”
This 16-year-old child did not grow up or die in a vacuum. We need to examine the reportage, the context of her life, and own our own complicity in her death.
Study finds 50-year history of anti-Palestinian bias in mainstream news reporting
A study of 50 years of headlines in 5 top newspapers finds that media coverage of Israel-Palestine favors Israel by providing more overall coverage, more positive coverage, and greater access to Israeli voices than to Palestinian ones. Much of this can be attributed to pressure from the pro-Israel lobby.
US Media: Slapping an Israeli Soldier More Newsworthy Than Shooting a Palestinian Child in the Face
Western media coverage of Ahed Tamimi obscures Israeli violence and occupation, completely missing the point of her nonviolent resistance. See FAIR’s thorough analysis of news reports.
Consortium News: The Price for Criticizing Israel
Israel is well-known for its potent U.S. lobby that not only influences Congress and the mainstream media but intimidates Americans who dare criticize its policies toward the Palestinians, as Dennis J Bernstein describes.