Tags: ceasefire

Gaza-born Yousef Alhelou offers an insider’s perspective on the siege of Gaza, describing the current situation, as well as Israel’s methods and Palestinians’ state of mind. The ongoing siege imposed on Gaza is the longest in modern history and has had disastrous consequences on all aspects of life. Any truce or ceasefire that does not address lifting the siege and ending the human suffering is doomed to fail… Meanwhile, Netanyahu promises still more attacks on Gaza…

Israel can’t leave well enough alone, goes from ceasefire to killing 14 Palestinians overnight

The past week has seen the promise of peace shattered, first by an Israeli incursion into Gaza (7 Palestinian, 1 Israeli dead), then Gaza’s rocket retaliation (1 Israeli Palestinian dead), then Israel’s retaliation (7 Palestinians dead). Israel’s defense minister has resigned, and a new, fragile ceasefire is in effect.

Palestinian groups agree to Egyptian-brokered truce with Israel

Last weekend saw an escalation of violence that started when Israeli military infiltrated Gaza, initiated a firefight, and retreated under cover of shelling. One Israeli and 7 Palestinians were killed, and Hamas responded with rockets. Today, factions in the besieged Gaza Strip say they have agreed to an Egypt-brokered ceasefire. “The resistance will respect this declaration as long as the Zionist enemy respects it.”