The US is in a toxic relationship that has made us indifferent on our best days, complicit in murder on our worst. Our mainstream media and our government join with Israel in bloodguilt.
Search Results for: water
Debunking Israel’s Talking Points on Deadly Gaza Protests
Even before the protest began, Israeli spokespeople framed it preemptively as a Hamas production, even though it was supported by Gaza civil society organizations and all political parties. Civilian Gazans’ willingness to walk to that fence measures their yearning to express themselves as humans and claim their freedom, even at immediate risk.
Gaza fact sheet about why Palestinians are marching
Downloadable fact sheet to distribute at vigils, demonstrations, etc. Since U.S. media coverage of Gaza is sparse and/or flawed, it is essential to provide people with the facts (contains clickable citations).
Israeli forces kill 6 unarmed marchers and a farmer in Gaza and injure hundreds.
Israeli forces have killed seven unarmed Palestinians in Gaza as thousands march for freedom and to return to their homes. The “Great March of Return” has been organized by by civil society organizations and all political factions in the besieged enclave.
AP’s slanted report on Gaza Return March, corrected and annotated
The Associated Press’s news story on the upcoming Great Return March echoes Israeli talking points…
Israel deploys 100 sharpshooters against planned mass Gandhian demonstration by Gaza families
Israeli forces are mobilizing against a mass peaceful protest by Palestinian families in Gaza demonstrating for their right of return to land that Israel has confiscated for Jewish only habitation… Their demands: “to be let out from the cage you have bound them in, to fish without being shot, to return to the village that you have torn down, to travel outside the barbed wire you surround them with… The Israeli cabinet has issued a “shoot to kill” policy.
Amnesty International: Trumpeting for War… Again
Writer Paul de Rooij has been tracking Amnesty International’s reporting methods, and indicates that AI’s track record is not objective but at times pro-war, anti-Syrian government, and soft on Israel…
Mort Fridman: “Great News from AIPAC: Congress Just Passed Major Pro-Israel Legislation”
AIPAC President Mort Fridman sent supporters an email announcing: “Our work together just made a difference for Israel’s security and for its future.” He crowed that Congress passed legislation giving Israel almost $4 billion of US tax money, while taking away US aid to many Palestinian widows and orphans…
Taylor Force Act about to sneak through Congress, perpetuating oppression of Palestinians
The Taylor Force Act will probably become law by the end of the week. Two tragedies will be perpetuated: Palestinians will continue to be seen as terrorists, unworthy of food and shelter; and Israel will continue unabated in spending American money to kill and imprison them.
Instead of being in jail, Haspel is CIA director
Had President Obama prosecuted Gina Haspel and other CIA torturers, she would have gone to prison. But Obama said he wanted to look forward, not back. Now the past returns. The past has that tendency.