Search Results for: aipac

AIPAC called a ‘Hate Group,’ Should Register as a Foreign Agent

The powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) tried to convince Americans that a humanitarian Congress member, Betty McCollum of Minnesota, is ‘worse than ISIS’ because of her bill to protect Palestinian children. AIPAC officials have been investigated for espionage on behalf of Israel. It has long advocated for the Israeli government…

Bernie vs AIPAC: As Sanders Surges, pro-Israel Democrats Scramble for Backup Plan

For many, taking aim at the pro-Israel lobby this week embodies what the Democratic front-runner stands for – and highlights why Israel partisans are worried about him. Israel’s UN ambassador, speaking to the AIPAC convention on March 1st, called Sanders an ‘ignorant fool’ and said: “We don’t want him in Israel.”

Yet Another Senator from Israel: Cory Booker shines at AIPAC

Giraldi sums up presidential hopeful Cory Booker: “a complete sell-out to Israel and its Jewish supporters” who tries to be “more Israeli than the Israelis.” Booker claims that there is “no greater moral vandalism than abandoning Israel,” and swears to give Israel even more money. 

AIPAC takes newly elected Congress members, CNN’s Setmayer on propaganda trips to Israel

The Israel lobby is taking newly elected Congressional representatives, CNN-ABC commentator Tara Setmayer, & California “progressive leaders” on propaganda trips to Israel. AIPAC IS using a loophole that violates the spirit of the law… and seems to be functioning as a foreign agent…

Mondoweiss: New York Times staff writer praises AIPAC for its work supporting Israel

Phil Weiss reports on a talk by Ronen Bergman, who lavished praise on AIPAC for ‘having Israel’s back’…  Weiss notes that 4 New York Times writers have had sons in the Israeli military; current Times columnists Roger Cohen, Bret Stephens and David Brooks are proudly Zionist; opinion editor Bari Weiss comes out of a career as an Israel advocate, and her father is a stalwart at AIPAC…

Mondoweiss: Synagogues celebrate Jewish festival of… AIPAC!

Phil Weiss reports in Mondoweiss that numerous synagogues around the US not only publicly support Israel, they support the Israel lobbying organization AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The promotion of AIPAC shows how monolithic the American Jewish community largely still is in support of Israel…