Ex-Israeli soldier heading child prostitution ring spanning Latin America deported from Colombia

An ex-Israeli soldier was deported from Colombia for alleged links to a criminal network suspected of drug trafficking and child prostitution that spanned Latin America. Colombian news agencies reported that a group of ex-Israeli soldiers had turned a small fishing village into a “sex and drug den” from their base in a luxury resort that was known to locals as “little Israel”…

DOUBLE STANDARD: The Hill refuses to publish column about USS Liberty

The Hill published a column in favor of ending $300 million in US aid to Palestinians, based on the murder of an American by a Palestinian man unaffiliated with any Palestinian organization. In response, Geoff ONeill submitted a column that suggested suspending $3.8 billion to Israel, based on the Israeli military’s killing of 34 American servicemen. The Hill would not publish that column – but then published a second column by another Israel partisan praising the TFA…

Jared Kushner Failed to Disclose He Led a Foundation Funding Illegal Israeli Settlements Before U.N. Vote

Jared Kushner’s failure to reveal his top position on the Kushner Fund, a family charity that funds illegal Israeli settlements, follows his recent attempt to pressure the UN vote on Israeli settlements as well as other failures to fully disclose financial information.

Israel will get ‘more understanding’ from Trump’s negotiators because they’re all observant Jews, Sharansky says

Israeli official Natan Sharansky says that Trump’s negotiating team are all observant Jews and predicted that they they will produce an alleged “peace proposal” that would give Palestinians a completely demilitarized “state,” which the Palestinians would naturally reject.  

Flynn’s plea on Russian influence reveals… Israel’s influence!

Is Russiagate actually Israelgate? The media’s misdirection in blaming the Russians for influence peddling ignores Israel’s central role in Flynn’s fall. An article by Phil Weiss reports on the Israeli connection and a report by Philip Girald describes Jared Kushner’s apparent role as an Israeli government agent of influence…

Global watchdog World Medical Association ignores Israeli doctors’ complicity in torture

For more than 20 years Israeli doctors have worked with Israeli security forces in practices that violate medical ethics. The global medical ethics watchdog World Medical Association looks the other way…