Category: Censorship

Repression of speech and scholarship on Palestine needs to end

More than a thousand academics and lawyers have signed an open letter calling on academic and government institutions around the world to cease subjecting those defending justice for Palestinians to censorship and penalties… A Canadian University rescinded a job offer after an Israel partisan complained… in the U.S. there have been 1,494 incidents… in France students have been jailed…

Foundation to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’ will be coming after high school, college students

The Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism plans to teach high school and college students how to beat hate and embrace tolerance – except when it comes to Palestinians

Israel-Advocacy Groups Urge Facebook to Label Criticism of Israel as Hate Speech

145 groups pressure Facebook to adopt an Israel-centric definition of ‘hate speech.’ The initiative is largely funded by multi-millionaire Israeli-American Adam Milstein (who served in the Israeli military 1971-4) and is backed by the Israeli government… Whether Facebook will buckle under the pressure will depend in large part on whether the public—Jewish and non-Jewish—finally recognizes that concerns about antisemitism are being exploited to serve a narrow political and ideological agenda, putting at risk free speech on Israel/Palestine and, by extension, political speech writ large…

YouTube censors video about daily life for Palestinians – Take action!

YouTube is censoring an eight-minute video entitled “Daily Life in Occupied Palestine.” The video, produced by If Americans Knew, contains video clips of Israeli actions against Palestinian men, women, and children, both Muslim and Christian. It also provides statistical and historical information about the Israeli-Palestinian issue. The US gives Israel over $10 million per day.…

Giraldi: bowdlerizing language on behalf of Israel

Philip Giraldi: In the United States there has been a concerted effort to equate any criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism while simultaneously making anti-Semitism a hate crime and thereby converting what one might perceive as exercise of a First Amendment right into a felony. Language itself is being manipulated and suppressed…

Roger Waters ads banned by Major League Baseball after outcry from Jewish group

Major League Baseball (MLB) has stopped running promotions of Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters on its platforms, after caving in to pressure from a Jewish group that accused him of “anti-Semitism” because of his support for Palestinian human rights.