Israel is methodically clearing the Jordan Valley of Palestinians, most recently by illegally expelling Palestinian farmers with the intent of destroying their crops.
How Israel became a hub for surveillance technology
Israel’s cyber sector is the star of its economy; many of its leaders originally trained with Unit 8200, a top Israeli intelligence unit. Palestine is their “testing lab.”
The Forward reports that U.S. presidents signed secret agreements with Israel to cover up Israeli nuclear weapons
The Forward reports today that U.S. presidents have signed secret documents promising Israel not to ask it to give up its undeclared nuclear arsenal. According to U.S. law, it is illegal to give U.S. aid to Israel.
Youngsters “disabled for life” by Israel’s shoot-to-cripple policy in Gaza
The number of dead is outrageous; the number injured – especially gunshot victims, and particularly victims of “butterfly bullets” – is unconscionable. These young protesters will need multiple, complex surgeries (or amputation) and intensive rehabilitation, in a region where medical facilities and staff are already stretched beyond their limits. We can only hope for an authentic investigation via the UN Human Rights Council.
Four Palestinians killed and over 600 injured in Gaza during continuing demonstrations along the fence with Israel
Official Gazan death toll is now 135, including 13 children; 2 medic deaths, 321 injuries, 41 damaged ambulances. Funding is desperately needed for the medical sector.
Israeli soldiers weld door shut, imprisoning family inside their home
At 8:30 in the morning on June 8th, Israeli soldiered suddenly entered the Zahda family home in Hebron. The soldiers placed Sami Zahda, his wife, and their two sons, ages three and four, in a back room and took away their phones. The soldiers then welded the front door of the home closed. The family was imprisoned inside…
Sheldon Adelson: the casino mogul driving Trump’s Middle East policy
The UK Guardian reports that Las Vegas billionaire Sheldon Adelson gave Republicans $82m for the 2016 elections, and his views, notably staunch support for Netanyahu’s Israel, are now the official US line…
Mueller Finally Starts to Target Trump’s Israel Ties
The Mueller investigation reveals troubling Trump ties to Israel. Is this why Israel enjoys eternal “favored nation status” from a president who is otherwise a fair-weather friend?
Israeli Supreme Court hears petitions, “apartheid” accusations against Settlements Law
The Settlement Law is under scrutiny in the Supreme Court, accused of “breach[ing] an international convention on Apartheid”. If it stands, it may put Israel on track to annex the West Bank.
Mainstream media gets it wrong on Gaza AGAIN
NYT, Wash. Post, & CNN are examples of the selective amnesia from which nearly every MSM news source seems to suffer when it comes to the subject of Israel.