UN group takes down report finding Israel guilty of apartheid following Israeli & US complaints

Following Israeli & US pressure, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres forced a UN agency to remove a report that found “on the basis of scholarly inquiry and overwhelming evidence, that Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid.” The chief of the agency that published the report resigned over the censorship…

Google to begin flagging “upsetting” or “offensive” content

Various news outlets are reporting that Google will begin flagging content that is “upsetting” or “offensive.” The question for people following the Israeli-Palestinian issue and efforts to define criticism of Zionism as anti-Semitism is whether Google’s editors will deem humanitarian criticism “offensive” or “upsetting” to those criticized.

Ha’aretz: Richard Gere calls settlements ‘absurd provocation,’ occupation ‘indefensible’

Ha’aretz interview with actor Richard Gere: “Obviously this occupation is destroying everyone,” he says. “There’s no defense of this occupation. Settlements are such an absurd provocation and, certainly in the international sense, completely illegal – and they are certainly not part of the program of someone who wants a genuine peace process.”

The Kagans Are Back; Wars to Follow – Consortium News

A MUST READ: Robert Parry writes in Consortium News that the neocons, architects of the Iraq War, are counting on Democrats and liberals to be the foot soldiers in the new neocon campaign to push Trump into more “regime change” wars. As part of this they’re hyping evidence-free allegations that Russia colluded with Trump’s team to rig the U.S. election, and pushing for a US invasion of Syria…

The Tablet reports that Trump’s approach to Iran, Syria, & Israel looks a lot like Obama’s, because the same people are implementing it

The Tablet reports: The Trump White House is handing over key foreign-policy positions to Obama administration re-treads who handled the very same portfolios under the previous president. Trump’s foreign policy is starting to look like Obama Lite—the exact same policies, implemented by the exact same people…