Tags: FIDF

Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the U.S. for Israel partisans

Israel and its all-powerful billionaire funded lobby is indisputably in control of many key aspects of the US… American and Israeli citizens may contribute to a charity in Israel and qualify for an income tax deduction in the US… Pretty soon we Americans will all be terrorized into dancing to the same tune that Congress and the White House dance to…

Ha’aretz: Friends of IDF President (And Kushner Pal) Elected Chairman of Top American-Jewish Umbrella Organization

The umbrella body of over 50 mainstream American Jewish organizations works to “advance the U.S.-Israel special relationship” and “bolster Israel’s security and prosperity.” Stark’s sons served in the Israeli army instead of in the U.S. military. Past chairs have been active in American politics and donated to the campaign funds of Israeli politicians.

Los Angeles gala raises $53.8 Million for Israeli soldiers [videos]

Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces, a US nonprofit that supports Israeli soldiers, holds fundraisers all over the country. Donations to it are tax-deductible in the U.S, even though it doesn’t support the U.S. or American veterans, many of whom are financially stressed. The recent gala in Los Angeles, studded with business titans and movie stars, raised over $50 million for Israeli troops, despite the IDF’s record of human rights abuses…