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Israeli war ships forcibly intercepted Palestinian boats hours after they sailed off the coast of the besieged Gaza Strip. The Palestinian boats, carrying students planning to study abroad and people wounded in recent mass protests, were forced to the Israeli port of Ashdod. Israel has been blockading Gaza for 11 years, creating a virtual prison for its nearly two million inhabitants.

Israeli police teach schoolchildren how to shoot Palestinians

Israeli police got caught teaching kids how to shoot Palestinians. Police & school staff claim they “noticed” they’d hung up pictures of people in kuffiyehs for target practice, and removed them before any children saw them. The Israeli education minister called it a “serious mishap.” This isn’t the first such incident.

Peter Beinart: Jewish leaders encase Israel’s actions in Gaza in euphemism and lies

How can American Jews endorse the strangulation of 2 million human beings in Gaza? Because Jewish leaders, in both Israel and the United States, encase Israel’s actions in a fog of euphemism and lies.The organized American Jewish community doesn’t only conceal the truth about Gaza from itself. It lobbies American politicians to do the same. The three main talking points: that Israel “withdrew” from Gaza, that its actions are decreed by a need for “security,” and that “Hamas” is to blame. Let’s look at the real facts:

Facts & latest news on Gaza Great March of Return (periodically updated)

Since March 30, 2018 Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip–including families, women, and children–have gathered along the Israeli border to highlight their dispossession in 1948 and protest the growing humanitarian catastrophe. From that time through December 16th, 2019, Israeli forces have killed 364 Gazans and injured over 35,000, including women, children, disabled individuals, medics, and journalists. Many have been shot in the back, nearly all were unarmed and posed no risk to the heavily armed Israeli soldiers. During the same period, Gazan resistance forces killed 9 Israelis.

Amira Hass: As if Israel Did Nothing Shameful Before the Advent of Smartphones

Amira Hass writes in Ha’aretz that Israeli soldiers who kill unarmed Palestinians didn’t pop up for the 1st time three weeks ago. Nor did the army’s excuses start only then. Gross violation of human rights (and Israeli denial) are as old as the state itself – even older. The actions excuses continue unabated in spite of smartphones and security cameras.

Leahy Law would cut aid to Israel, but no one wants to enforce it

Killing of Palestinians is not new. It has been going on for decades, unabated, uncriticized, and bankrolled by the US. The Leahy Laws enable us to withhold aid to countries that commit human such rights abuses, but in spite of overwhelming proof of abuse by Israel, our politicians refuse to cut off military support.

Killing Mosquitoes: The Gaza Massacres, Pro-Israel Media Bias, & the Weapon Of ‘Antisemitism’

Imagine if Russian or Syrian troops had shot dead almost 30 civilians, and injured thousands, during peaceful protests. Mainstream media headlines and airwaves would be filled with condemnations from senior UK and US politicians and prominent commentators. But not so when it is Israel doing the killing, and the BBC & Guardian provide Israel spin…

The Gaza Prison Uprising Continues: “The Friday of Tires,” another sign of determination by Palestinians

Crowds of young men went to the border area, setting tires on fire to create a smokescreen to obstruct the vision of Israeli snipers. They were met with gunfire and tear gas as they hurled stones at the heavily armed Israeli soldiers backed up by tanks and warplanes. Israel, which controls all of Gaza’s border crossings, airspace and waters, imposed a ban on the entry of tires, and Israeli forces brought huge fans and massive water cannons to extinguish the fires…