Great joy, great devastation, massive need in northern Gaza; West Bank resembles Gaza more every day; a conversation with Peter Beinart; Trump.
Tags: Peter Beinart
Worshiping the state of Israel on Yom Kippur, in a leading NY synagogue
Park Avenue Synagogue’s sanctification of Israel… Countless synagogues fly the Israeli flag and sermonize for AIPAC, the Israel lobby, and put Israel propaganda on the front lawn… Many rabbis have children who have moved to Israel, the rabbis themselves own a vacation home there where they plan to retire, and many do retire there…
Peter Beinart: Jewish leaders encase Israel’s actions in Gaza in euphemism and lies
How can American Jews endorse the strangulation of 2 million human beings in Gaza? Because Jewish leaders, in both Israel and the United States, encase Israel’s actions in a fog of euphemism and lies.The organized American Jewish community doesn’t only conceal the truth about Gaza from itself. It lobbies American politicians to do the same. The three main talking points: that Israel “withdrew” from Gaza, that its actions are decreed by a need for “security,” and that “Hamas” is to blame. Let’s look at the real facts: