Search Results for: water

National Review article misinforms readers on Israel

A detailed annotation of the errors and omissions that mislead readers on a profoundly important issue…including little-known information about Presidents Eisenhower, Reagan, and Bush Sr., who each had moments of clarity on this issue, and called out Israel for its abuses.

News roundup from Israel & Palestine: Imprisoned for a hat, etc

Just because you don’t see Israel/Palestine in the headlines, doesn’t mean nothing is happening. Every day, Israel finds new & more cruel ways to treat Palestinians (& their allies), and Palestinians continue to resist their oppressors.

Stripped, Beaten, and Blindfolded: ongoing violence and abuse of Palestinian children detained by Israeli military

The latest in a long string of NGO reports on Israel’s serious and widespread abuse of Palestinian children – including arrest, abuse, and threats. Each year, 500-700 face prosecution in a military court system that lacks basic safeguards for a fair trial.

Thousands flee Israel’s biggest West Bank military operation in decades

At least 10 Palestinians, including three children, have been killed & over 100 injured during Israel’s operation in Jenin refugee camp which started with a drone strike on Monday. Israeli military bulldozers destroyed key roads stopping ambulances from entering the camp, which has lost access to drinking water, electricity and in some areas some food supplies…

AIPAC Israeli Economic Espionage Against U.S. Hits $366 Billion

For decades Israel has profited at the expense of American industry, thanks to AIPAC’s theft & illegal distribution of classified economic data. Today, AIPAC-influenced U.S. federal and state agencies channel hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars away from American companies into the coffers of new, often incompetent, Israeli market entrants…