Search Results for: al jazeera censor

First West Coast showing of Censored Al Jazeera Film on the Israel Lobby

The leaked documentary will be shown, followed by a discussion, at the Berkeley Central Library on Monday, Feb. 4, at 6 pm. The explosive film contains footage of Israel lobby manipulation obtained by an undercover reporter. The post contains a downloadable flyer for people in the Berkeley, California area to distribute.

Parts 1 and 2 (of 4) of the censored Al Jazeera documentary on the Israel lobby in the U.S. are finally available. The documentary was never broadcast by Al Jazeera due to pressure from pro-Israel groups and individuals. It was eventually leaked to some outlets, which posted a few short clips. Now the first two parts are available to the public…

Censored Al Jazeera documentary uncovers ‘rotting foundation’ of U.S. Israel lobby

A censored documentary provides a look at a lobby that continues to defend Israel’s control of Palestinian lives, despite the many Americans turning against it… Israel, often working with U.S. groups, spies on pro-Palestinian students… Zionist lobbyists want students who support Palestinian rights to be criminally prosecuted… Facebook accounts are created by Israel lobby groups, a notorious project is exposed as being funded by major pro-Israel donors in the U.S…

Israel has wiped out 902 Palestinian families in Gaza over past year – Day 361

The decimation of Gaza’s families; Nasrallah and ceasefire; massacres, including a journalist and his family; a first: bill to block weapons to Israel; white phosphorus (again); damage to Israel’s military bases; Biden admin makes Israel the victim, encourages attack on Iran; Arab world offers Israel peace; evacuating Americans from Lebanon

Israel’s brutal attacks on Gaza, Lebanon, and the truth – Day 351

As the world focuses on Lebanon, Israel’s deadly war on Gaza continues; the truth is a casualty of Israeli aggression, as military forcibly shuts down Al Jazeera office in West Bank; Israel continues to pound Lebanon, amid Biden admin’s hand-wringing; Israel prepares healthcare sector for war casualties, as Gaza never could; South Africa’s president declares “UN Security Council is no longer fit” to do its job; UK Labour Party self-censors on Palestine; Greta Thunberg speaks out; more.

Israeli-inflicted Palestinian injuries in Gaza, West Bank surpass 100,000 – Day 332

Hamas is alive and well; West Bank is officially a “combat zone”; Palestinian journalists imprisoned like never before; Int’l Criminal Court decision on Netanyahu war crimes expected soon; US files criminal charges against Hamas members; Netanyahu blatantly erases Palestine from the map; Trump adviser David Friedman has a plan for a Greater Israel; US in “despair” about ceasefire; UK’s David Cameron could have stopped arms sales to Israel months ago; Columbia U students keep protesting for Palestine; more

Israel is unrelenting in Gaza, West Bank, as UK takes a small step back – Day 331

Polio vaccination campaign successful so far; bread-line massacre; updates from the West Bank – at least 30 dead since start of invasion; call to declare war on West Bank; strong statement from Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine; Netanyahu apologizes (sort of), but remains defiant; UK initiates partial arms embargo on Israel; Israeli official reveals Israel’s vulnerability without US aid; CAIR calls on Biden to treat all lives equally; US preparing a “take-it-or-leave-it” ceasefire plan; more.

When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’

FAIR: As the world watched on social media and responded in outrage, US corporate media, once again, provided cover for the perpetrators of Israel’s genocide…

‘Revealer of Inconvenient Truths’ – Julian Assange’s Impact on Palestine

Articles by Palestine chronicle, Alison Weir, Jonathan Cook, and Tucker Carlson lay out the price Julian Assange has paid for his efforts to reveal truths — not the least of which had to do with Israel’s policies toward Palestinians…