Tags: south africa

To Jews, from a rabbi raised in South Africa: “tell the truth – Israel is apartheid”

A rabbi with South African roots recalls the moment he realized that Israel’s system is “apartheid.” He describes his struggle to release his idealistic view of the Jewish State, and encourages Jews to practice “moral clarity” regarding Israel – without which it is impossible to find a way forward.

Is the United Nations anti-Israel? – a survey of UN resolutions

The United Nations has passed an inordinate number of resolutions critical of Israel (at least seven hundred), but very few critical of Palestine. Is there a good reason for this high number, or is this a case of anti-Israel bias? – or worse yet, anti-Semitism? This analysis breaks it down.

Analyses of Trump’s Peace Plan for Israel-Palestine, “Deal of the Century” (Updated)

US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” violates international law in a number of ways. It gravely violates the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people. It gives Israelis the illusion of security while in reality trapping them within an unstable regime based on racial oppression. Read analyses from the New Yorker, UK Guardian, Mondoweiss, Informed comment, and American Conservative. Also gives link to the 181-page document of the plan…

My grandfather Nelson Mandela fought apartheid. I see the parallels with Israel

While my country has long been free from racist minority rule, the world is not yet free of the crime of apartheid. I see the eerie similarities between Israel’s racial laws and policies towards Palestinians, and the architecture of apartheid in South Africa. We South Africans know apartheid when we see it. In fact, many recognise that, in some respects, Israel’s regime of oppression is even worse.

At UN Hearing, South African Delegate Decries Israel as “Apartheid State”

South Africans – who should know apartheid when they see it – called out Israel as “the world’s last functioning apartheid state” during a UN hearing this week. They no doubt recalled the words of South African hero, the late Nelson Mandela, who famously said, “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”