Tags: october 7

Israel faces possible embargo, war crime accusation, threats from Biden and Iran – Day 180

Times have been rough for Israel, thanks to a UN vote to halt arms sales, a Human Rights Watch war crime report, an angrier than usual Biden, a shake-up in the military ranks, and global scrutiny of AI targeting of people in Gaza. Meanwhile, Israel killing of Gazans and West Bank Palestinians continues, released Gaza captives show signs of torture – and another October 7th “friendly fire” incident is identified

Netanyahu wants to ethnically cleanse Gazans using US-made port – Day 166

Netanyahu’s ethnic cleansing scheme; aid workers killed; Israel won’t coordinate rescue for injured; new film on October 7th; multiple Palestinians killed in West Bank; Netanyahu + Congress; Jack Lew’s laughable endorsement of Israel; Canada halts arms exports to Israel; campaign to get Israel boycott in FIFA; more

Pramila Patten’s Rape Fantasies: A Critical Analysis of the UN Report on Sexual Violence during the 7 October Attack

Norman Finkelstein: The report admits that the team couldn’t locate any forensic evidence of sexual assaults, states that they were unable to meet a single survivor of sexual violence on October 7, and concedes that “the information gathered by the mission team was in a large part sourced from Israeli national institutions”…

Biden has “no red lines” that would change his position on arming Israel – Day 155

President Biden doesn’t seem to comprehend the true mission of Zionism; Israeli soldier brags on video about killing an unarmed elderly Gazan man; Israel brags about aid delivery, but its record is abysmal; Gaza’s government estimates $30 billion in damage by Israel’s attack; more Israeli acknowledgement that Israel killed its own people on October 7th; and more