Americans, if you think the Palestinian issue is unrelated to you, think again: Israeli violence is being perpetrated in your name, with money that should be spent to make your lives better.
Tags: occupation
Headlines from Israel-Palestine: new week, same old violence
Israel’s incessant human rights abuses against Palestinians included last week: abductions, violence, home demolition and invasion, and more. Mainstream media won’t tell these stories.
Grandmother dies of heart attack after Israeli soldiers storm her home
After Israeli soldiers violently broke into a Palestinian woman’s home, causing anxiety and damage, a woman suffered a heart attack and died. Such home invasions occur on a daily basis, and are in violation of international law.
Israeli soldiers cheer after shooting Palestinian man
This is just the latest incident caught on film in which Israeli soldiers cheered and congratulated each other after shooting a Palestinian protester. The teen may face a lengthy recovery. Such violence against the occupied Palestinian population is daily and deliberate.
This is Mays Abu Ghosh, one of 10,000 Palestinian women arrested by Israel
Mays Abu Ghosh and her family have suffered for years at the hands of Israel. Here she tells the story of her baseless arrest, imprisonment, and torture.
News headlines: Israel military’s ruthless To-Do list from Tuesday, Feb. 9
How much damage can an occupying army do in one day? This much.
Israeli soldiers break the silence about midnight invasions of Palestinian homes
“The overarching goal [of home invasions] was to instill a sense of persecution among the Palestinians.” “It’s a rolling trauma.” So say Israeli soldiers, as they look back with regret on the acts they carried out, night after night, at the behest of their state.
Their testimonies are compiled in a new human rights report from Breaking the Silence, Yesh Din and Physicians for Human Rights, “A Life Exposed: military invasions of Palestinian homes in the West Bank.”
Congresswoman Manning: let’s put your Sderot experience in context
Freshman Congresswoman Kathy Manning needs an accurate frame of reference before she talks about her Gaza-rocket-Israeli-bomb-shelter moment. Here is a synopsis of the issue for her perusal.
Israel’s obscene mismanagement of the Covid-19 vaccine
“No country has done what we are able to do,” said Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu. He is so right – but not in the way he thinks he is.
UN reports on human rights abuses in Israel-Palestine, Jan.5-18 2021
The UN published its biweekly report on the humanitarian situation in the Palestinian territories. As usual, Israeli soldiers and settlers carried out numerous attacks, and property damage, including uprooting hundreds of Palestinian farmers’ trees.