Tags: Israel

The strange case of Jonathan Pollard: Israel’s spy parole ends

Pollard was working as an intelligence analyst for the U.S. Navy, when Israel recruited him. He sold Israel a volume of classified documents measuring 10′ by 6′ by 6′ – thousands of pages that included secret information on the location of American ships & training exercises. The US prosecutor who handled the case said the damage Pollard did to U.S. security was “beyond calculation.” Yet, many Israel partisans in the U.S. advocated for Pollard, suggesting that their loyalty to Israel was greater than to America…

Greenwald details Biden appointee Neera Tanden’s outrageous actions

Glenn Greenwald details numerous problematic actions by Biden appointee Neera Tanden, including the fact that she ordered ThinkProgress journalists to stop writing critically about Israel after key donors (including AIPAC supporter Ann Lewis and long-time Clinton advisor Howard Wolfson) complained about the ‘anti-Israel’ articles…

Even Ben-Gurion Thought ‘Most Jews Are Thieves’ –Ha’aretz

The authorities turned a blind eye and thus encouraged the looting, despite all the denunciations, the pretense and a few ridiculous trials. The looting served a national purpose: to quickly complete the ethnic cleansing of most of the country of its Arabs, and to see to it that 700,000 refugees would never even imagine returning to their homes… A first-ever comprehensive study reveals the extent to which Jews looted Palestinian property during the War of Independence…

We are now witnessing the highest levels of forced displacement on record, and it’s happening at an alarmingly increasing rate, putting pressure on countries like ours to absorb refugees. There’s no question immigration is a divisive topic. Yet, almost no one discusses what’s driving this crisis. This 3-minute video describes a major factor…

Israeli authorities arrest cancer patient traveling to hospital

Israel arrests Palestinian cancer patient at the crossing from Gaza into Israel, even though he had a travel permit. Israeli authorities continue to use the crossing as a means of entrapment and attempted coercion of Palestinians residing in Gaza, particularly of those in urgent need of medical exit permits, which are only granted for pressing humanitarian needs…

Gaza incendiary balloons are ‘distress signals’ against Israel’s cruel blockade

A first hand look at a group floating incendiary balloons into Israel: ‘it’s a form of pressure on Israel to lift its 13-year devastating Gaza blockade… The world is looking the other way….. We would like to send a message that we deserve a decent life for our families…’ World Bank reports Gaza has highest unemployment in the world… (No Israelis have been injured by the balloons)

Israeli & Lebanese analysts on Beirut blast & Israel

Commentaries on the massive explosion in Beirut… Fingers point everywhere… Israeli hypocrisy… Prime Minister Netanyahu threatened Hezbollah in 2018: ‘Israel knows what you are doing and will not let you get away with it,’ notes the Israeli army said Hezbollah had a weapons store underneath the port of Beirut..