Tags: hamas

13,000+ Gazans killed since US vetoed last ceasefire; another veto expected this week – Day 135

UN Security Council to vote on ceasefire; Israeli snipers fire on Gazans congregating for food aid; hospital sinking deeper; Pope declines to pray for Israel; Israel plans 4-hour pauses in fighting so Gazans can stock up on food – but there isn’t any; Israel’s cabinet refuses a Palestinian state; ICJ case starts on Israeli occupation; estimate of how many Hamas fighters have been killed; plans to limit Muslim attendance at Al Aqsa Mosque; record hunger levels in Gaza…

Israel’s victims include more preemie babies, center for the blind – Day 132

Abandoned preemies, destroyed center for the visually impaired; aid food delayed so long it’s spoiling; Gaza hospital converted to Israeli military barracks; sewage mixing with clean water; Israeli commentator: “anyone over age 4 is a Hamas supporter”; Israel holds Americans; Red Crescent rejects Israeli claim of “terrorists disguised as medical personnel”; Egypt prepping for influx of Gazans; 100th Palestinian child killed in West Bank; Israel selling Palestinian natural resource rights; Israel spying on US on behalf of settlers

Falk: Israel used Oct 7 attack as a pretext for its plan to expel Palestinians

Indications are that Israel used the October 7 attack as a pretext for the preexisting master plan to get rid of the Palestinians whose presence blocks the establishment of Greater Israel with sovereign control over the West Bank and at least portions of Gaza… Hamas had publicly and by back channels pushed for a 50-year cease-fire with Israel

“Doctors are stepping over bodies of dead children to treat other children who will die anyway” –Day 73

Sanders resolution could begin the march toward accountability in Israel; devastating Gaza hospital news; another journalist killed; what really happened on October 7th – in Israelis’ words; widespread starvation; blood money for Israel, and more