Tags: famine

Children of Gaza live amid sewage, trash, insects – and famine – Day 241

UNICEF says Gaza Children “need an immediate ceasefire”; desperation rips apart Gaza’s social fabric; Hamas says no new ceasefire proposal, but stands by previous one; UN experts call on global community to recognize Palestine; Israeli forces kill at least 5 Palestinians in West Bank; Israel conducts criminal investigations into 48 Gazan deaths; over 9,000 Palestinians have been “arrested” in West Bank since October 7th; 4 Israeli hostages dead, one by Israel; State Department veteran says administration submitted falsehoods to Congress; US senator calls for sanctions against Israeli minister…

Mixed messages from Israel on ceasefire plan; US optimistic – Day 240

Israel has signaled acceptance & rejection of ceasefire plan, as Netanyahu hangs in the balance; number of bodies recovered in Jabaliya after IDF departure rises to 120; “worst of the worst levels of malnutrition” in Israel-created famine; northern Gaza declared disaster area; NYC Parade, Chabad, Michael Douglas, ADL support Israel; West Bank death; Maldives stands with Palestine, more…

Gaza famine intensifies; Israeli government is on a collision course – Day 239

Rafah is rubble, essentially without food, medical services; child dies of starvation; Jabalia in ruins; Israeli forces kill Palestinian journalist in Gaza, teenager in West Bank; ceasefire deal on the table, but Netanyahu wants total victory first; extremist ministers threaten to topple Israeli government; Netanyahu accepts invitation to speak before Congress; Finkelstein says Israel lobby dominates through wielding its wealth; Chile joins ICJ genocide case against Israel; …

Ceasefire deal on the table, as Gazans survey the wreckage – Day 238

Biden presents ceasefire deal, Netanyahu says “non-starter”; Israel withdraws from Jabalia, leaving corpses, destruction, signs of ethnic cleansing in its wake; conditions in Rafah are “horrific and apocalyptic”; more mass graves discovered; Israel has made one third of Gaza “uninhabitable”; Blinken’s feeble commentary on Gaza’s famine; experts say Israel could have used smaller weapons, avoided mass casualties in Rafah last week; AND YET Congress invites Netanyahu to speak.

Israeli soldier threatens mutiny – “We want to annihilate them” – Day 232

Israeli strikes kill Palestinians just trying to survive; more evacuations; Israeli torture methods; Gaza hospitals in crisis; Israel searches for loopholes in ICJ ruling; 2nd grade Jewish girls meet with White House officials; Hamas rockets hit Tel Aviv; Gaza pier can’t take the rough seas; Hamas claims it captured Israeli soldiers, Israel denies; EU visits West Bank, condemn settler violence; campus protests in Germany, more…

Fighter jets, attack drones hammer Rafah; catastrophe looms – Day 217

Israel expands its attack of Rafah; Biden admin reports that Israeli use of U.S.-provided weapons in Gaza “likely violated international humanitarian law”; food catastrophe looms as Israel continues to block aid trucks; South Africa wants ICJ to intervene in Rafah; UN General Assembly strongly supports Palestine’s quest for statehood; Israel withholds millions it owes Palestinian Authority; UN wants investigation into mass graves in Gaza

Israel will kill Palestinians just fine without US heavy payload weapons; humanitarian crisis spirals – Day 216

Hunger, danger deepen all over Gaza; refugees streaming out of Rafah with nowhere safe to go; deadly airdrops have killed over 20; Israeli leaders will keep war going “with God’s help”; Israeli settlers torch UNRWA office for a second time; 300 Palestinian Bedouin face homelessness after militarized Israeli police bulldoze village; more