A boy who threw stones at IDF jeeps suffered the punishment of execution by a soldier; it was the third time in recent weeks that soldiers aimed at stone-throwers’ heads.
Tags: children
Undercover Israeli Soldiers Attack Three Schoolchildren Near Ramallah
Palestinian children often throw stones at Israeli army vehicles invading Palestinian land – but even if they don’t, they may be accused, arrested, or even abducted for “allegedly” doing so.
The challenge of childhood under occupation
Israeli violence is a daily occurrence for Palestinians, and children are not exempt. Israeli soldiers and settlers alike are to be feared. Here are two short stories from a typical day.
Israeli Army Abducted 400 Palestinians, Including 55 Children, In September
The Palestinian Center for Detainees’ Studies has reported that Israeli soldiers have abducted more than 400 Palestinians, including 55 children and eight women, in September.
Childs Rights group reports recent Israeli actions against Palestinian children
Defense for Children International, Palestine reports on the current situation in refugee camps, where danger and hunger are ever present.