Tags: children

Gazan Girl Fighting Cancer Died After Israel Denied Her Parents’ Visit. She Won’t Be the Last

Miral, the 10-year-old Gazan cancer patient whose parents weren’t allowed to be with her in a Nablus hospital, died last weekend. Now Israel is keeping another young Palestinian, who has leukemia, from receiving vital treatment.

Gazan Girl Fights Cancer Alone at West Bank Hospital – Israel Won’t Let Her Parents Join her

A 10-year-old Palestinian girl suffering from leukemia is undergoing chemotherapy in a Nablus hospital by herself, because Israel won’t allow her parents out of Gaza to be with her. And she’s not the only patient in that situation. Read the facts & contact Congress…

IDF Awards Israeli Soldiers for Deadly Crackdown on Gaza Protests

As the man-made crisis in Gaza is nearing a dangerous climax, Israel’s military has awarded the Gaza Division with a “certificate of appreciation” for its role in suppressing Palestinian protests. Described in the media as “clashes,” these protests involve Israeli snipers firing into crowds of unarmed young Palestinians. The award was given as the number of unarmed protesters wounded since March 30 surpassed 22,000 and the killings reached 198.

My grandfather Nelson Mandela fought apartheid. I see the parallels with Israel

While my country has long been free from racist minority rule, the world is not yet free of the crime of apartheid. I see the eerie similarities between Israel’s racial laws and policies towards Palestinians, and the architecture of apartheid in South Africa. We South Africans know apartheid when we see it. In fact, many recognise that, in some respects, Israel’s regime of oppression is even worse.

Israeli Forces Kill Two Palestinian Boys in Gaza Who Posed No Threat

As Israel’s blockade of Gaza enters its 11th year, the economic and humanitarian situation has become so dire that youth are beginning to take the risk of crossing into Israel to find work. When 6 boys tried this on Saturday, they were shot at by Israeli forces, although they posed no threat. 2 of the boys made it back home, 2 were injured, and 2 didn’t make it out alive.