In this exclusive interview, MJ Rosenberg reveals behind-the-scenes details about the influential pro-Israel lobby – and talks Jimmy Carter, Joe Biden, and AIPAC’s shift to the GOP right.
Tags: barack obama
Nowhere left to live, nowhere left to bury the dead – Day 319
“They were trying to exterminate us”: Palestinian children in Gaza tortured by Israeli military; Israeli envoy calls for UN building in Jerusalem to be ‘erased from earth’; No space in Gaza “safe zones” for the living; No space left for the dead: Gaza’s cemeteries overflow; Fleeing Palestinians say death would be more merciful; ‘Torture by Electrocution’ – Israel Releases 25 Detainees from Gaza; Barack Obama makes no mention of Gaza war in DNC speech; more
Greenwald: False narrative about Orlando shooting shows the power of media propaganda
Politicians & activists should stop ratifying the fiction that the shooter was motivated by anti-LGBT hatred. It dishonors the victims, purveys anti-Muslim misinformation, and obscures the real motive. Mateen, like so many others who committed similar acts of violence, was motivated by rage over Obama’s bombing campaigns in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan that killed multitudes of men, women, and children. He chose PULSE at random without even knowing it was a gay club — yet this media-consecrated lie continues to fester.
Why AOC panders to the Israel lobby
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Progressive Except Palestine? – because Israel critics turn into Israel praisers when they have political ambitions. That’s the royal road in the Democratic Party, where the Israel lobby remains an entrenched force.
Joe Biden’s deep ties with Israel
Joe Biden has been in a love affair with Israel for decades. A scolding from Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin early on might have set the course.
The arms race between Dems and GOP for pro-Israel donors
Biden needs money to mount a strong challenge to Trump, and the organized Jewish community is regarded as very pro-Israel & the largest repository of money in the Democratic Party, the source of half or more of large donations. See detailed information on what is driving politicians’ stances on Israel-Palestine since Truman through today…
“Alternative facts” abound in Trump’s Israeli-American Council speech
In his recent, anti-Semitism-tainted speech, President Trump offered a buffet of falsehoods: sins of omission, sins of commission, white lies, and whoppers.
Israel lobby is the reason for perpetual oppression of Palestinians
In this frank, and frankly courageous piece, Philip Weiss lays bare the agenda of the Israel lobby and how it has manipulated the American Jewish community and the US government for decades. But, he predicts, the lobby is dying, and in its wake, peace is achievable.
Palestine in the 2020 elections: a look at Joe Biden
In this If Americans Knew series, we will analyze each contender’s position on Israel/Palestine and provide information that voters can give them to correct their misunderstanding of the issue. This entry provides an in-depth analysis of Joe Biden’s stands through his 49-year career….