Tags: antisemitism

Challenge to Israel’s Supporters: Tell Me What’s Untrue in Amnesty’s Report on Israel

Israel and its partisans want to ignore the new Amnesty Int’l report on Israeli apartheid, claiming it’s “antisemitic.” Gideon Levy insists, “What is written in the report does not stem from antisemitism, but will help strengthen it. Israel is the greatest motivator of antisemitic urges in the world today.”

Rally ‘against antisemitism’ held to support Israel’s actions against Gaza

The Alliance for Israel is behind today’s Washington, D.C. rally “No Fear: A Rally in Solidarity with the Jewish People.”(Live coverage here.) The rally was largely initiated by a desire to defend Israel over criticisms of the state’s recent violence against Palestinians. (Some groups refused to participate)

False antisemitism insulates Israel and hurts the movement for justice

A Jewish American exposes the often-used tactic of deflecting criticism of Israel by viewing it falsely through a lens of antisemitism. Even some supporters of Palestinian rights miss the sleight-of-hand that casts this negative light on their own movement and have mistakenly attacked longtime activists…

Pro-Israel think tank wants Progressives to adopt “Progressive Except Palestine”  

In a moment when support for Israel is slipping a bit in Congress, this Israel-right-or-wrong group proposes a new category of antisemitism in hopes of persuading Progressives to alter their agenda to accommodate pro-Israel Jewish Americans. It’s called “Progressive Except Palestine.”