In the midst of an Israeli killing spree in which Israeli soldiers shot dead four unarmed Palestinians, including two minors, the House of Representatives voted to give Israel billions of dollars. Only 3 members opposed the funding…
House committees pass $20 mill per day on behalf of Israel
Two House committees just advanced bills that will disburse a total of approximately $7 billion on behalf of Israel if both houses of Congress pass them, and if they’re then signed into law by President Biden…
U.S. pro-Israel policy has perpetuated the crisis and atrocities in Gaza
Thanks to the Israel lobby, the United States has played a vital role in the decades-long catastrophe that has engulfed Palestine. U.S. leaders from both parties must now confront their own complicity in this catastrophe, and the American public must demand change.
Chris Hedges: Israel, the Big Lie
Israel is not exercising “the right to defend itself” in the occupied Palestinian territories. It is carrying out mass murder, aided and abetted by the U.S.
Lobby for foreign government continues to bully state legislatures
Idaho & West Virginia have just passed AIPAC promoted legislation against BDS, the international boycott against Israel over its human rights abuses. The government of Israel has been leading the effort against BDS; in 2017 it approved $72 million to combat the human rights campaign… 33 states have now passed anti-BDS legislation
The Israel Lobby: What Everyone Needs to Know (video and transcript)
The Israel lobby is the most powerful and the most pernicious lobby representing the interest of a foreign nation in all of American history. Israel and its lobby have been primarily responsible for the failure to achieve a comprehensive Middle East peace.
Top Biden cybersecurity aide Anne Neuberger donated over $500,000 to AIPAC as an NSA Official
Is it appropriate for a high-ranking intelligence official to contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars to a lobby often aligned with the policy interests of a foreign government? Some national security experts point out that the Israeli government maintains an aggressive campaign of espionage against the US and has a deep interest in US cyber policy…
53 Jewish groups lobby Biden to adopt Israel-centric definition of antisemitism
Major Jewish organization call on Biden to adopt an Israel-centric definition of antisemitism for use by all federal departments and agencies… the definition defines many criticisms of Israel as ‘antisemitic’… some groups oppose the action, calling its use an ‘attack on academic freedom& free speech’
Pro-Israel mega-donor Sheldon Adelson dies at 87
Sheldon Adelson, one of the richest people in the world, deployed his wealth on behalf of Israel. His Israeli wife, reportedly the driver of his actions, is even richer… (contains video of Adelson saying he regretted serving in US Army instead of IDF…)
Congress votes $4 billion to Israel for 2021, press doesn’t tell Americans
Congress has voted billions of dollars to Israel. No mainstream US media appear to have told Americans about this, which works out to over $7,000 per minute. AIPAC thanks & names the Congress members who helped pass this massive aid to a tiny, criminal foreign country… George Washington had warned against an attachment to any foreign nation, stating: “a passionate attachment of one Nation for another produces a variety of evils…”