An “All Things Considered” reporter says the NPR report was “fair,” but in reality it reported only one side of the controversy and omitted significant information. The reporter’s email reveals a skewed perception of events. NPR has a history of such Israel-centric reporting…
It’s even worse than llhan Omar said: The Israel lobby in full
The new Congress member, a Muslim-American who has often been attacked by Israel partisans, suggested that AIPAC is responsible for U.S. politicians’ slavish support for Israel. Her very reasonable tweets caused a firestorm of controversy, powerful leaders attacking her, many others supporting her. But the Israel lobby goes far beyond AIPAC and is embedded in organizations throughout the U.S.
Democratic bigwigs create group DMFI to promote Israel to progressives
Alison Weir’s in depth investigation of the new “Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI),” created to counter growing support among Democrats for Palestinian rights (only 19 % of progressive Democrats now support Israel over Palestinians). DMFI plans to use its substantial financial resources & powerful connections to bring Democrats back into the pro-Israel fold and to target Democrats such as Betty McCollum who support Palestinian human rights…
“Birthright Exodus” is a sign of hope
As more and more young American Jews recognize Israel’s unethical policies, Birthright Israel is becoming a moment of truth. Those who speak up and/or walk away are prioritizing the value of justice. These are future leaders in the struggle for justice for Palestinians.
Study finds 50-year history of anti-Palestinian bias in mainstream news reporting
A study of 50 years of headlines in 5 top newspapers finds that media coverage of Israel-Palestine favors Israel by providing more overall coverage, more positive coverage, and greater access to Israeli voices than to Palestinian ones. Much of this can be attributed to pressure from the pro-Israel lobby.
AIPAC takes newly elected Congress members, CNN’s Setmayer on propaganda trips to Israel
The Israel lobby is taking newly elected Congressional representatives, CNN-ABC commentator Tara Setmayer, & California “progressive leaders” on propaganda trips to Israel. AIPAC IS using a loophole that violates the spirit of the law… and seems to be functioning as a foreign agent…
Israel propaganda trips target ‘Pacific Progressive Leaders’ – no one will say who’s going
An $85 million Israel advocacy organization is taking local American officials identified as “progressive” on propaganda trips to Israel. While no one will divulge the rosters, we have a few names of California participants in these extravagant, influence peddling affairs… and ideas about what to do about them
When George Bush, Sr. took on the Israel lobby, and paid for it
Alison Weir reports that in 1991 President George H.W. Bush held up a $10 billion loan guarantee to Israel. Bush said he was “one lonely little guy” against powerful forces. He won the battle, but eventually lost the war, a lesson that politicians have remembered ever since (contains videos)…
Palestinian-American Congresswoman to take delegation to West Bank
The pendulum begins to swing back: Rep. Rashida Tlaib plans to lead a congressional delegation on a trip to the occupied West Bank – a counterbalance to AIPAC’s standard Israel trip for new Congress members. Rights groups have regularly criticized the AIPAC-sponsored trip as propaganda, and hopes to show what is really happening to Palestinians in the region.
Media Ignore Largest Foreign Military Aid Package in US History
Congress is about to legislate the largest military aid package to a foreign country in U.S. history, but U.S. media aren’t telling the American public. Israelis know about the money, and Israel partisans are pressuring the one lone Senator opposing it, but apparently U.S. news organizations don’t think the general public need to know…