A former US Air Force Captain has introduced House Bill 256 in the New Hampshire state legislature to establish a legislative committee to investigate whether the US properly determined Israeli civilian and military officials’ culpability in Israel’s lethal attack on the USS Liberty
Tags: accountability
How Israel plans to whitewash its war crimes in Gaza
The Israeli army uses the veneer of internal accountability to fend off external criticism. But its record reveals how few perpetrators are punished.
Palestinian-American death underscores rampant Israeli violence
Early Wednesday morning, Israeli soldiers detained, blindfolded, handcuffed & beat 80-year-old Palestinian-American Omar Abdalmajeed As’ad. They claim they left him alive in a building that was under construction. He died soon after. It remains to be seen whether Israel will be held accountable.
Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan ignores elephants in the room: Israel created this mess
The Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan is slick and businesslike, with an aura of objectivity and balance – but it is exactly the opposite, and something about it stinks. See this detailed, thorougly cited analysis…
Gideon Levy: Israel’s massacre of family is a war crime
Had the IDF wanted to, it could have known exactly who was inside the shack it targeted in Gaza. But it didn’t care, and now a little girl is left alone in the world.
BBC bows to pressure from Israel and changes Gaza headline
This is truly shocking: media giant BBC is bossed around by Israel. The headline “Israeli air strikes kill pregnant woman and baby” magically become “Gaza air strikes ‘kill woman and child’ after rockets hit Israel” when Israel’s foreign ministry spokesman ordered it to be changed “IMMEDIATELY.” A BBC spokesperson admitted that “although the original headline was not factually incorrect, we updated it to add more context to the story”. They added something else too, and it ain’t truth.
One BBC senior producer confided, ‘We wait in fear for the phone call from the Israelis,’” whenever they publish negative stories about Israel.
Israel mayoral candidate killed Palestinian teen in 1989
While serving in IDF during 1st Intifada, mayoral candidate Raz Sagi shot & killed a fleeing Palestinian teen. Sagi was sentenced to 3 mo community service, pardoned, then promoted.
PLO Executive Dr. Hanan Ashrawi discusses Israel escalations in occupied Jerusalem and Gaza
Dr. Ashrawi calls on the international community to hold Israel accountable for its recent aggressive actions and to protect the people and holy sites of Palestine.
Groups announce visual series “Zero Accountability” on 2014 assault on Gaza
On the 3rd anniversary of the 2014 assault on Gaza, no justice has been attained for victims or survivors. Over the next 50 days, Visualizing Palestine will release a series of visuals on the crime and impunity of Operation Protective Edge.