Search Results for: training police

BDS victory:  2 U.S. Police Departments Drop Out of  Training Program With Israel

As a result of public pressure, the Vermont State Police and the police department for Northampton Massachusetts have decided to pull out of the ADL-sponsored, all-expenses-paid “Resiliency and Counterterrorism” program in Israel. The seminar highlights methods Israel uses to “thwart terrorism within its framework of a democratic and multicultural nation.”

What happened in the Israeli police ‘torture room’ in Nazareth?

Multiple sworn affidavits from the past few weeks testify to rampant, systemic Israeli police attacks and brutal beatings of Palestinian citizens of Israel – protesters, minors, innocent bystanders, and even attorneys – inside the city’s police station; floor of ‘torture room’ was covered in blood from violent police beatings.

FLASHBACK: Making America as ‘secure’ as Israel – Israelis train U.S. police

Every few months local police officers travel to Israel for training in “how to make America more secure.” At the same time, Israeli “experts” are hired in the U.S. to make us “more secure.” The problem is that Israeli “security experts” have perpetrated policies of such cruelty that they’ve made Israelis so insecure that many are leaving Israel…