Search Results for: shihadah

Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan ignores elephants in the room: Israel created this mess

The Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan is slick and businesslike, with an aura of objectivity and balance – but it is exactly the opposite, and something about it stinks. See this detailed, thorougly cited analysis…

How do Bernie & Buttigieg stand on Israel-Palestine?

One supports Palestinian human rights. One says he’d keep the $10 million per day flowing to Israel no matter what it does. Which is which? Spoiler alert: 18 pro-Israel billionaires have donated to Buttigieg (see list)

“Progressive Except Palestine” groups gang up on Bernie Sanders

Mike Bloomberg is courting pro-Israel, Jewish voters with conservative-type promises to keep Israel great, and progressive positions on everything else. The Democratic Majority for Israel PAC (DMFI) supports similarly PEP (Progressive Except Palestine) candidates. Both have it out for Bernie Sanders.

American Zionists choose lies over children

A bill before Congress seeks merely to stop US aid dollars from subsidizing the incarceration and torture of Palestinian children. Pro-Israel organizations would rather believe outrageous fallacies than stand up for these kids’ rights.

Ilhan Omar: “Anti-Semite of the Year,” or deliberately distorted?

By Kathryn Shihadah: StopAntisemitism accuses Rep. Ilhan Omar of “anti-Semitic” words and actions. It’s not hard to detect the falsity of these accusations – or the Israel partisanship that drives them.

Anti-Semitism Envoy Elan Carr puts Israel (not Jews) front and center

Trump’s anti-Semitism envoy boldly equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, & considers Israel “a central tenet” of Judaism – despite the many voices within the global Jewish community, including within Israel itself, critical of Israel. Carr demands: Every law enforcement office and every prosecutorial agency must force everybody who has even a hint of antisemitism to undergo a tolerance program.

Congress has introduced 50 pieces of legislation about Israel in 2019

While America struggles with crises in health care, hunger, and homelessness, Congress has found the time to entertain over four dozen bills and resolutions that cater to a wealthy, heavily-armed state: Israel.