Search Results for: iran

Israel behind Pretexts for an Attack on Iran

Ray McGovern probes the step-up in U.S. belligerence towards Iran – a country posing the same non-existent strategic threat as Iraq. 

Thanks to “dubious intelligence” from Israel – which wants nothing more than for its neighbors to be busy for the indefinite future – Trump officials have been thinking hard about entering, or even provoking, a war with Iran.

FBI refuses to discuss detention of American Iranian TV anchor Marzieh Hashemi

The US has jailed prominent Press TV journalist Marzieh Hashemi, an American citizen, apparently as a “material witness”– ‘a charge authorities use when they need a reason to arrest somebody but don’t have one.’ She was visiting family & filming a documentary on Black Lives Matter when she was detained at the St. Louis airport, handcuffed and shackled.

Trita Parsi: On Iran, Is It Trump Versus His Own Neocons?

Israel – prime mover in Trump’s Iran policy – was shocked that Trump might abandon the pressure strategy and instead seek to mend ties with Tehran. The pro-Israel Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), nervously took to twitter to warn Trump against this… A goal of the new Iran Action Group may be to escalate matters with Iran to the point in which any pivot to diplomacy by Trump may be rendered impossible…

Intelligence Experts to Trump:  Intel on Iran Could be CATASTROPHIC

As drums beat again for war — this time on Iran—-the warning from veteran US intelligence experts is again being disregarded as it was before the Iraq debacle, and this time VIPS fear the consequences will be catastrophic.
The evidence displayed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on April 30 showed blatant signs of fabrication. That evidence is linked to documents presented by the Bush Administration more than a decade earlier as “proof” of a covert Iran nuclear weapons program. Those documents were clearly fabricated, as well…

GOP Hostility Toward Iran Secured After Adelson Gives  Million To Top Super PAC

Israel supporter Sheldon Adelson donated $30 million to a top Republican PAC. This may be the single largest campaign donation in U.S. history. Adelson influenced Trump to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and end the Iran nuclear agreements.
Adelson-supported appointees include Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, & John Bolton.
Adelson was instrumental in removing Tillerson and McMaster, due to their support for the Iran agreement.