Search Results for: christian

The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans: The Facts

The U.S. gives Israel over $10 million per day, approximately $7,000 per minute. On average, the US has given Israelis over 7,000 times more than to others around the world. On top of this, the US gives Egypt and Jordan large aid packages on behalf of Israel. And there is more… This is largely due to the Israel lobby, and continues even though most Americans feel we give Israel too much money, and despite the fact that Israel is not an ally, has spied on the U.S, stolen American technology, and tried to sink a U.S. Navy ship. (Contains videos)

Israeli airstrikes vs Palestinian rockets: Facts & Stats on air attacks

US media reports on Israel-Palestine virtually always mention ‘thousands of rockets from Gaza.’ However, they don’t report how many people these rockets have killed, when they began, and what they look like. Media reports also fail to compare these Palestinian weapons to the weapons Israel uses in its airstrikes. If Americans Knew has now compiled thorough information on this topic, including a list of those killed by rockets, the dates of their deaths, and details on the Palestinian & Israeli weaponry involved.

Gaza families suffer under 13+ years of Israeli imposed ‘quarantine’

While many Americans are suffering under coronavirus quarantining orders and isolation, the people of Gaza have suffered far longer under an Israeli-imposed quarantine that has caused malnutrition and growth stunting in children, deep poverty, and misery… and now, the virus has hit Gaza…

Zionist head of major theological consortium has been pushed out

Rabbi Daniel Lehmann at his inauguration as president of the Graduate Theological Union, October 24, 2019, Berkeley, California. Amid concerns about Rabbi Lehmann’s ‘Islamophobic statements and anti-Palestinian views,’ the GTU board accepted his resignation. The Interim president will convene a ‘healing task force’ and support Palestine programs… By If Americans Knew staff Rabbi Daniel Lehmann…

Sheldon Adelson keeps casinos open despite coronavirus danger

While other major Las Vegas casinos are following health recommendations that they close to protect employees and the public from the coronavirus pandemic, Sheldon Adelson is keeping his casinos open. Adelson’s profits are often used to promote pro-Israel policies through millions of dollars of donations to political candidates.

3,000 teens attending BBYO Convention that propagandizes them on Israel

The international convention of the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization meeting in Dallas this year provides fun, bonding, high-energy music… & propaganda for Israel. BBYO teaches thousands of young people how to advocate for Israel, and takes them on filtered trips to Israel that leave out Israeli human rights abuses, violence, and systemic discrimination…

Assassins from FBI-designated terrorist group live untouched on Israeli settlement

Riveting story of pro-Israel extremists whose 1985 terror bombing killed a Palestinian peace activist in California. Despite compelling evidence of their guilt – and their organization being identified as illegal in Israel – the Jewish State has harbored them while they live openly on an Israeli settlement.

The oligarch behind today’s World Holocaust Forum attended by presidents and kings

By Alison Weir: At least 45 world leaders have responded to a summons to attend the World Holocaust Forum in Israel to “fight antisemitism.” The event is organized by a Russian-Israeli oligarch who considers support for Palestinian human rights “antisemitic.” He is promoting an Orwellian program that would criminalize “intolerance” and require re-education programs for anyone who strays beyond accepted views…