Search Results for: child

Palestinian village denied basic human rights, now faces imminent demolition

Residents of Khan al-Ahmar have been fighting for their existence since 1951, seeking nothing more than basic human rights. Israeli authorities say the village was illegally constructed; the Israeli Supreme Court in May rejected a final appeal against its demolition. Activists are concerned continued Israeli settlement construction in the area could effectively divide the northern and southern West Bank.

The United Nations is anti-injustice, not anti-Semitic

A United Nations committee is directed to facilitate self-determination among colonized and suppressed people groups. The committee is poised to pass 9 resolutions against Israel. Predictably, the charge of anti-Semitism arises. 

It is not hard to dismantle the accusation – using context, fact-checking, and a bit of logic.

Ecumenical Statement on Current U.S. Policy and Israel/Palestine

Global Ministries and UCC and Disciples leaders were co-signatories in an ecumenical statement sent today to all members of Congress and the Senate, as well as to the White House.  The statement focuses on the shifts in US policy and approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  The full statement is published here, in its entirety.

Freedom of Speech takes a hit in Boston as billboard comes down

In an aggressive campaign against a billboard company and its staff, Israel supporters threatened boycott and used the label “anti-Semitism” as a weapon to shut down a positive ad celebrating first responders in Gaza. The ad did not mention Israel. No dialogue, no explanation, just suppression of free speech.

Israel can’t leave well enough alone, goes from ceasefire to killing 14 Palestinians overnight

The past week has seen the promise of peace shattered, first by an Israeli incursion into Gaza (7 Palestinian, 1 Israeli dead), then Gaza’s rocket retaliation (1 Israeli Palestinian dead), then Israel’s retaliation (7 Palestinians dead). Israel’s defense minister has resigned, and a new, fragile ceasefire is in effect.

Palestinian groups agree to Egyptian-brokered truce with Israel

Last weekend saw an escalation of violence that started when Israeli military infiltrated Gaza, initiated a firefight, and retreated under cover of shelling. One Israeli and 7 Palestinians were killed, and Hamas responded with rockets. Today, factions in the besieged Gaza Strip say they have agreed to an Egypt-brokered ceasefire. “The resistance will respect this declaration as long as the Zionist enemy respects it.”

Playground or battleground? 2 stories in 1 weekend

On Saturday, Israeli soldiers tried to seize playground equipment from a Palestinian park, but were chased off.

On Sunday, 45 Americans along with 20 Israelis and Palestinians were detained and had their passports photographed after helping repair a playground near Bethlehem; Israel claims the group were rioting and engaging in illegal construction.

Palestinians denounce Hollywood stars’ m for Israeli army ‘terror’

At the November 1st “Friends of the IDF” Hollywood gala, $60 million was raised in one night for Israel’s army. This is on top of $10 million a day in US military aid to Israel. Palestinians are outraged that American artists are supporting a regime that kills innocents and colonizes land.