Search Results for: child

Nisreen Hassan spent six years without her children

Nisreen Hassan’s children are doing their best to cope in her absence. However, the realization that she has been taken away from them becomes very sharp. The practice of arresting Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza and then imprisoning them inside Israel violates international law. The Fourth Geneva Convention stipulates that people living in an occupied territory may only be detained within that territory.

A three-minute video by If Americans Knew about some of the many Palestinian children Israeli forces have killed over the past few years. American taxpayers, whose politicians expend $19 million per day on behalf of Israel, need to see this short video…

Daily assault on Palestinian childhood – attacks, bombings, abductions, shootings

Being a child while Palestinian is full of risks. Airstrikes, home (and school) invasions, home (and school) demolitions, inability to access medical care – these are just some of the dangers of being not-Jewish in a land under Israeli control.