The Associated Press’s news story on the upcoming Great Return March echoes Israeli talking points…
Search Results for: child
Israel deploys 100 sharpshooters against planned mass Gandhian demonstration by Gaza families
Israeli forces are mobilizing against a mass peaceful protest by Palestinian families in Gaza demonstrating for their right of return to land that Israel has confiscated for Jewish only habitation… Their demands: “to be let out from the cage you have bound them in, to fish without being shot, to return to the village that you have torn down, to travel outside the barbed wire you surround them with… The Israeli cabinet has issued a “shoot to kill” policy.
Easter question: Is this what Christ died for?
The place where Christianity was born is defiled by a brutal military occupation that has turned a beautiful, very special historic region, precious to three religions, into a swamp of racial hatred resulting in unspeakable crimes against the indigenous population… In Britain the usual suspects again tried to destabilize Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and damage his prospects of becoming prime minister by firing another ‘anti-Semitism’ broadside…
Facebook censors Palestinian news outlet
Facebook continues to violate Palestinian free speech, this time by shutting down – without warning – Safa Palestinian Press Agency, a major news outlet. This in spite of the great amount of anti-Palestinian incitement on Israeli Facebook accounts, including that of justice minister Ayelet Shaked. This bowing to Israeli pressure does not bode well for other social media (or for Palestinian free speech).
Amnesty International: Trumpeting for War… Again
Writer Paul de Rooij has been tracking Amnesty International’s reporting methods, and indicates that AI’s track record is not objective but at times pro-war, anti-Syrian government, and soft on Israel…
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the oPt (15 – 21 March 2018)
As is the case every week in the oPt, Israel has been busily using violence to break up peaceful protests, invading villages and arresting Palestinians (including women and children), disrupting freedom of movement, shooting at fishing boats, and demolishing homes. In other words, it was business as usual.
Jake Tapper, Meet Sumud – Palestinian Resilience
Jake Tapper’s piece on Israeli psychologists working with children after HS shooting in Parkland FL highlights Israel’s “vast experience with terrorism and war.” As usual, Israel is the innocent victim of Palestinian terrorism.
Palestinians survive such whitewashing by developing a unique coping mechanism, “Sumud.”
Taylor Force Act about to sneak through Congress, perpetuating oppression of Palestinians
The Taylor Force Act will probably become law by the end of the week. Two tragedies will be perpetuated: Palestinians will continue to be seen as terrorists, unworthy of food and shelter; and Israel will continue unabated in spending American money to kill and imprison them.
IDF soldier’s cheek > an entire Palestinian’s body
Elor Azaria took the life of a man who was no threat and received a lenient sentence. His sentence has been reduced to 9 months, though he shows no remorse. (Contrast Ahed Tamimi, who slapped an IDF soldier in full armor, and has just reached a plea bargain that will give her a total prison time of 10 months.)
Blocking of vehicular access to a Palestinian village disrupts lives of 7,000 people
The village of Hizma is under blockade due to alleged stone-throwing at cars with Israeli license plates. This has impacted services, especially to children, the elderly, and the disabled, and undermined the economy of the village. It may amount to collective punishment, which is illegal according to international law.