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Tuesday was a very bad day for Palestinians, but so is every other day

The events of December 4, 2018 in the occupied Palestinian territories would startle most of the world, but US mainstream US media won’t report them: a grieving father is unable to get Israel to take responsibility for just 4 of the 1,400 deaths from Operation Cast Lead; an Israeli arms testing facility is about to move in on Bedouin land; a mentally disabled man is killed; 24 Palestinians are abducted; and 5 buildings (and livelihoods of 5 families) are demolished.

How Palestinians in Jerusalem are being targeted in a campaign of ethnic cleansing

Israel’s takeover of Arab East Jerusalem has continued unabated since the 1967 war, but has grown more brazen since US President Trump’s decision to move the embassy. Evictions of Palestinians and appropriation of their homes by Israeli settlers is more frequent; Israeli police presence has grown more pervasive; Israel’s parliament is devising more new policies – and its supreme court is upholding them – to dispossess Palestinians. Meanwhile the PA is powerless to respond. It all adds up to ethnic cleansing.

MSF: 1,000 Gazans shot by Israel at risk of fatal infection

Palestinians in Gaza are dealing with more fallout from the blockade – and their protest against it. Now in addition to thousands of gunshot wounds from Israeli snipers, and their accompanying disabilities and amputations, many are at risk of infection. The healthcare sector is lacking in supplies thanks to import restrictions; patients can not go abroad for treatment thanks to visa restrictions.

One Israeli human rights org reports over 180 Palestinians killed (31 of them minors) and 21,000 injured.

Media Ignore Largest Foreign Military Aid Package in US History

Congress is about to legislate the largest military aid package to a foreign country in U.S. history, but U.S. media aren’t telling the American public. Israelis know about the money, and Israel partisans are pressuring the one lone Senator opposing it, but apparently U.S. news organizations don’t think the general public need to know…

Palestinian village denied basic human rights, now faces imminent demolition

Residents of Khan al-Ahmar have been fighting for their existence since 1951, seeking nothing more than basic human rights. Israeli authorities say the village was illegally constructed; the Israeli Supreme Court in May rejected a final appeal against its demolition. Activists are concerned continued Israeli settlement construction in the area could effectively divide the northern and southern West Bank.

The United Nations is anti-injustice, not anti-Semitic

A United Nations committee is directed to facilitate self-determination among colonized and suppressed people groups. The committee is poised to pass 9 resolutions against Israel. Predictably, the charge of anti-Semitism arises. 

It is not hard to dismantle the accusation – using context, fact-checking, and a bit of logic.

Ecumenical Statement on Current U.S. Policy and Israel/Palestine

Global Ministries and UCC and Disciples leaders were co-signatories in an ecumenical statement sent today to all members of Congress and the Senate, as well as to the White House.  The statement focuses on the shifts in US policy and approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  The full statement is published here, in its entirety.

Freedom of Speech takes a hit in Boston as billboard comes down

In an aggressive campaign against a billboard company and its staff, Israel supporters threatened boycott and used the label “anti-Semitism” as a weapon to shut down a positive ad celebrating first responders in Gaza. The ad did not mention Israel. No dialogue, no explanation, just suppression of free speech.