By Kathryn Shihadah: StopAntisemitism accuses Rep. Ilhan Omar of “anti-Semitic” words and actions. It’s not hard to detect the falsity of these accusations – or the Israel partisanship that drives them.
Search Results for: child
Jewish Congress launches campaign against ‘antisemitism’ (aka support for Palestinian rights)
By Alison Weir. The European Jewish Congress has launched a worldwide social media campaign against “antisemitism” (which, in EJC eyes, includes opposition to Israeli human rights abuses). The man behind the campaign, EJC President Moshe Kantor, is a Russian-Israeli oligarch known for “unscrupulous business dealings” who says BDS is antisemitic, calls for severe punishment of “intolerance,” and is the founder of numerous international entities.
Federal lawsuit filed against Pro-Palestinian human rights vigil
By Alison Weir. When Henry Herskovitz was prohibited by his synagogue from giving a talk on his trip to the Palestinian Territories, he began a weekly vigil that has lasted 16 years. Meanwhile, the synagogue hosts Israeli soldiers & takes children on propaganda trips to Israel… Now a synagogue member is suing Herskovitz, and the SPLC has accused him of ‘Holocaust denial’…
Israeli human rights violations during Jan 2-8, 2020
Israeli forces injure 5 Palestinians, including child; invade West Bank 133 times, abduct 109 civilians, including 17 minors; destroy 9 homes; beat people; etc. If Palestinians had done this to Israelis, it would be headlines in US newspapers…
From Resistance to Assistance: Little Pushback to Trump’s Iran Assassination
Corporate media like to present themselves as holding the current administration to account, in reality they offer little meaningful resistance to its foreign policy adventures.
Timeline of US-Iran conflict: 1953 through Present
In the interest of understanding recent events, we have quickly put together a partial timeline of US-Iran relations, beginning in 1953 through the present.
‘Blinding the truth’: Israeli snipers target Gaza protesters in the eyes
Eyes are a ‘common target’ of Israeli snipers at Gaza’s Great March of Return. Israeli soldiers have shot 50 men, women, & children in the eye since the weekly demonstrations began last year… one young victim locked himself in his room & wouldn’t go to school…
O Little Town of Bethlehem, what has become of thee?
Millions of travelers to Bethlehem believe the hasbara: Jews Good, Palestinians Bad; Jews victims, Palestinians perpetrators; because of the Holocaust, the world owes us, and must condone what we’re doing to Palestinians; those who criticize our racist policies are outright anti-Semites; we are God’s Chosen, therefore we can do no wrong.
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (December 19-25, 2019)
While most American were celebrating Christmas, this is what Israel was doing. US politicians give Israel over $10 million per day. Read the detailed report…
Gazan Girl Fights Cancer Alone at West Bank Hospital – Israel Won’t Let Her Parents Join her
A 10-year-old Palestinian girl suffering from leukemia is undergoing chemotherapy in a Nablus hospital by herself, because Israel won’t allow her parents out of Gaza to be with her. And she’s not the only patient in that situation. Read the facts & contact Congress…