Search Results for: child

Israel to get another billion dollars – Time for an Iron Dome for Palestinians

U.S. politicians just voted another billion dollars to Israel – allegedly to protect civilian lives. If they really wish to save civilian lives, it’s time for our Congress members to introduce legislation for a missile defense system for Palestinians, who are being killed in vastly larger numbers… (The post contains a form to contact Congress now!)

New GOP bill would keep illegal settlement products labeled ‘Made in Israel’

Pro-Israel congress members argue that returning to the pre-Pompeo policy, labelling settlement-made products “Made in West Bank,” would empower those who seek to boycott the Jewish state. In reality, the products are made in the West Bank – on land stolen from Palestinians.

House Dems remove B in extra funding for Israel’s Iron Dome from budget bill

Republican Congress members flip out over the removal of an extra $1 billion gift to Israel on a budget bill (that they weren’t going to vote for anyway). Activists for justice for Palestinians hail the event as “an unprecedented moment for Palestinian rights.”

AP ignores Israel’s brutality in its Morning Wire

As Israel – recipient of billions of US taxpayer dollars a year – kills, wounds, and abducts Palestinians of all ages, the Associated Press continues its practice of downplaying or omitting news about Israeli violence. Articles highlighted in AP’s Morning Wire newsletter confirm the outlet’s ongoing bias.

Pro-Israel America announces new round of congressional endorsements

Though the midterms are still far off, the bipartisan advocacy group Pro-Israel America has been aggressively promoting candidates ahead of the 2022 midterms – see list. PIA claims that it raised more than $3 million for pro-Israel candidates in the 2020 elections.

Shackled, Beaten, Strung Up on a Tree: Palestinian Teen Brutally Attacked by Settlers

Fifteen-year-old Tareq Zubeidi, a victim of settler violence this week. The settlers kicked him, he says, as he lay on the ground, then placed him on the hood of the car, lashing him to it with a chain. At the supposedly evacuated settlement of Homesh last week, a Palestinian teen was seized by settlers and…