Israeli expert says alienation of Jewish Americans could end US support for Israel, threatening Israel’s existence

A former Mossad senior official says Jewish Americans are central to US support for Israel and that alienating this population (as Netanyahu is doing) poses an “existential” threat to Israel. The Israel lobby would “lose its clout,” and it would diminish support from other countries “that cultivate ties with Israel because of its presumed influence in Washington”…

Old Palestinian photos & films hidden in IDF archive show different history than Israeli claims

An Israeli art historian discovered “war booty films” hidden by the IDF for decades. After a protracted legal struggle, she’s made a documentary that depicts a very different history than Israel claims, and shows the work of Palestinian filmmakers forgotten by history…

Giraldi: How Israel drives US policies exploiting a spineless Congress and White House

The Israel Lobby, especially AIPAC, is undeniably a foreign lobby, but it operates with complete impunity on Capitol Hill and also at state and local levels. Coincidentally, Congress has a peculiar pattern of brazen, bipartisan pro-Israel legislation and looking the other way on issues in which Israel may be culpable (e.g. USS Liberty). To put it succinctly, there is an Israeli hand in much of what the United States does internationally, and the involvement is not intended to do anything good for the American people.

Instead of Taylor Force Act, Congress should consider Rachel Corrie Act, Orwah Hammad Act

Instead of commemorating a tragic death with legislation that will cut off funding to Palestinians and create more misery and, most likely, violence, Congress should enact a Rachel Corrie Act, a Brian Avery Act, an Emily Henoschowitz Act, a Tristan Anderson Act, a Tariq Abukhdeir Act, and an Orwah Hammad Act. See details of what they would contain…

Bill Moyers: “We are hostage to his fortune”: Sheldon Adelson, Benjamin Netanyahu and America’s dark money conspiracy

Billionaire Sheldon Adelson officially gives hundreds of millions of dollars to GOP politicians, plus untold sums in “dark money”; in addition, he bankrolls Benjamin Netanyahu through his right-wing newspaper. Bottom line: Adelson gives Netanyahu power in Israel through his own private news outlet, and in the US by buying off Congress and calling the shots on its Middle East policies.

Electronic Intifada: Democratic pro-Israel clone fails to take Georgia seat

Pundits and politicians billed the special election race between two strong supporters of Israel, Jon Ossoff (D) and Karen Handel (R), as a major referendum on the first few months of the Trump administration. Tens of millions of Democratic dollars could not buy back Georgia’s 6th District in the most expensive US House race in history. Democrats have now lost all four special elections to fill vacancies left by Trump cabinet appointees.