House of Reps to sneak through billions to Israel, oppose BDS, etc

The House is expected to fast track three measures on behalf of Israel tomorrow: laws to give Israel a minimum of $38 billion and to sanction groups that support the Palestinian resistance, and a resolution expressing opposition to the global boycott of Israel (BDS)… Contains a link to contact Congress about the legislation…

How Israel Systematically Hides Evidence of 1948 Expulsion of Arabs

Ha’aretz reports that Israeli officials have scoured local archives and removed troves of historic documents to conceal proof of the ethnic cleansing that established Israel, including documents reporting rapes, looting, the demolition of villages, and killing of civilians…. General Peled: “My platoon blew up 20 homes with everything that was there.” Lev Tov: “While people were sleeping there?” Peled: “I suppose so….”