Israeli Soldiers Kill A Young Palestinian Woman Near Hebron

A journalism student, Ghofran Haroun Warasna was shot with a live bullet through the heart; Israeli soldiers blocked medics from attending to her until she bled to death. An eyewitness said the woman was walking to work when an Israeli soldier shot her near their military tower. She is the 55th Palestinian killed by Israel in 2022.

Israeli Forces Kill Palestinian Child near Bethlehem

Invading Israeli forces used lethal force yet again, this time opening fire on a group of boys who were throwing stones, and killing Zaid Mohammad Ghneim. (The day before, Israeli forces had shot dead a 16-year-old in Nablus, and a few days before that, Israeli forces had killed a 16-year-old in Jenin.)

How an Israel Lobby Group Infiltrated US Education

The Institute for Curriculum Services claims to advocate for accuracy in K-12 instruction on Jewish history – but backed by the Israel lobby it whitewashes the history of indigenous Palestinians and Israeli theft of their land, and even attempts to delete the word “Palestine” from textbooks. ICS boasts that it has ‘improved public education’ in all 50 states and impacted 11 million students across the country.