Israel has been secretly providing aid to Syrian rebels in the Golan Heights for years with the goal of maintaining a buffer zone of friendly forces to keep ISIS and forces aligned with Iran at bay, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal, creating a reality in which several armed groups and much of the civilian population in the area are reliant on Israeli aid.
The Legitimacy of Family Compensation for Palestinians Killed, Injured, and Imprisoned
American lawmakers and Israeli leaders fail to grasp the need for a fund to compensate families of Palestinians killed, injured, or imprisoned—or the real reason for the violence coming out of the occupied West Bank and Gaza.
Electronic Intifada: Labour’s Israel lobby plans to relaunch campaign against Corbyn
Electronic Intifada reports: Labour Friends of Israel chair Joan Ryan demanded that Corbyn cut ties with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Ryan threatened to revive the anti-Semitism witch hunt that engulfed Labour last year; Ryan herself had been caught personally engaging in concocting false anti-Semitism charges against a member of her own party…
Review of Thomas Suarez’s “State of Terror”
Thomas Suarez’s “State of Terror” is a meticulously documented history of Zionism. Israel owes its existence to its wholesale theft of Palestinians’ worldly possessions. It is painful to read through Suarez’s listing of atrocities: rape, torture, murder, robbery. Arab villages, Christian and Muslim, friendly and not, were destroyed…
Blogosphere claims censorship of Israel remarks by Oliver Stone on Colbert
The internet is buzzing with reports that Oliver Stone had things to say about Israel which the network chose not to broadcast, showing how reluctant mainstream media is to portray Israel in anything but a positive light. Here is just one of many reports.
The wonder of imperial feminism, Or how Wonder Woman turned from a hero to a war crimes supporter.
The new Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot, is an avowed Zionist and cheerleader of war crimes, having supported Israeli soldiers in 2014 as they slaughtered more than 2,100 human beings. What does it mean to cast a Zionist in the role of an iconic feminist character?
How is Israel spending our money?
American taxpayers give Israel $10 million per day, so it’s important to be well-informed about its spending habits. For example, Israel’s Interior Minister, Aryeh Deri, was indicted for graft, fraud, and breach of trust in 1993, but returned to politics and was again appointed Minister of the Interior in January 2016.
Former Mossad agent describes planting claims that critics of Israel are “antisemitic” [Video]
Former Israeli Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky describes how the Mossad uses pro-Israel organizations to plant claims that individuals critical of Israel are “antisemitic.”
Senate passes Israel lobby bill to impose new sanctions on Iran
Both AIPAC and J Street lauded the passage, by 98-2, of a Senate bill to impose new sanctions on Iran. Voting against it were Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders… all the others did what the Israel lobby told them to do.
Making A Sexy Pitch For Israel [video]
A new anti-BDS campaign called enlists Israel’s supporters as Internet foot soldiers. The two-pronged campaign is geared toward digitally savvy millennials, and uses an interactive website and a smartphone app to turn Israel advocacy into a competitive game.