The new order is the same in nature as the old one. It prevents admission for nationals from six countries, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Further, the order puts a complete ban on refugees entering the U.S. The new ban does have slight changes. Iraq has been removed from the list; there will be a phase-in period, with the ban taking full effect on March 16, 2017. the ban does not apply to lawful permanent residents (LPRs), and current visa holders….

Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism in British politics

Avi Shlaim, on Al Jazeera: ‘Israeli propagandists deliberately conflate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism in order to discredit, bully, and muzzle critics of Israel; in order to suppress free speech; and in order to divert attention from the real issues: Israeli colonialism, Israel’s apartheid, its systematic violation of the human rights of Palestinians, and its denial of their right to independence and statehood. The propagandists persistently present an anti-racist movement (anti-Zionism) as a racist one (anti-Semitism)…’

Israeli minister called accusation of “anti-Semitism” a “trick” to silence criticism of Israel [VIDEO]

Shulamit Aloni, recipient of the Israel Prize, said: “It’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic. And the organization is strong, and has a lot of money, and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong…”

Israel’s “Unlawful Combatants Law” violates Gazans’ rights

(Jerusalem, March 1, 2017, Human Rights Watch) – Israel has been detaining Palestinian residents of Gaza under an obscure law that strips away meaningful judicial review and due process rights, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights and Human Rights Watch said today. Israel has detained 18 Palestinian residents of Gaza under the Internment of Unlawful Combatants…

Israel partisans make Perez Democratic National Committee chair, defeat Keith Ellison

Haim Saban called Ellison “anti-Israel” and anti-Semitic. The ADL called on Democrats to reject him. Alan Dershowitz said he’d leave the party if Ellison were elected chair; Jack Rosen of the American Jewish Congress, emailed DNC members the day before the vote saying Ellison threatened the U.S.-Israel relationship. Perez, on the other hand, courted pro-Israel activists: “One of the privileges of my life was getting to travel to Israel and meet someone who is one of my heroes, Shimon Peres. Uncle Shimon, to me…”

Palestinian children throwing stones got longer sentences than Israeli who killed unarmed man

An Israeli Defense Forces soldier has been sentenced to 18 months in jail on a manslaughter conviction for shooting a Palestinian man in the head after he had already been disarmed and injured by other soldiers. The Independent lists Palestinian children who have received longer prison sentences for throwing stones than Elor Azaria did for killing the unarmed man.