Hundreds of US organizations demand that the Biden administration condemn Israel for its recent attempt to silence Palestinian human rights groups – groups that work to expose Israel’s human rights violations.
Category: Politics
Congress has introduced over 70 pieces of Israel-centric legislation so far in 2021
With documentation from 150 sources, If Americans Knew presents over 70 pieces of legislation now under consideration in Congress, which seek to guarantee Israel, not just $10 million a day in military aid, but also an additional $10 million per day expended on items because they benefit Israel, as well as protection from criticism, condemnation of its adversaries, and support for new allies – with nothing in return, and in spite of Israel’s bad behavior. Justice for Palestinians is the subject of one bill.
Sen. Marco Rubio equates boycott of Israel with “un-American activity”
Marco Rubio’s latest legislation would tie the hands of corporate officers who seek to stand for justice and equality by guiding their companies through a boycott of Israel. He seems to forget that Israel is a foreign country, that it harms Americans, and that it has a long record of human rights abuses.
Palestinians call Israel’s breast cancer awareness sentiment “hypocritical”
Israeli women with breast cancer receive medical and social support; Palestinian women regularly experience medical negligence when fighting the same disease.
UK Labour Party votes Yes to motion calling Israel an apartheid state
The UK Labor Conference also condemned the ongoing Nakba in Palestine, as well as Israel’s attacks on the Al Aqsa mosque, forced displacements from Sheikh Jarrah, and the deadly assault on Gaza.
What the Iron Dome Means to Us Palestinians
A writer from Gaza reflects on Israel’s “defensive weapon,” Iron Dome: it reminds Palestinians of their own defenselessness and how the world apparently places greater inherent worth on the protection of Israeli lives.
New GOP bill would keep illegal settlement products labeled ‘Made in Israel’
Pro-Israel congress members argue that returning to the pre-Pompeo policy, labelling settlement-made products “Made in West Bank,” would empower those who seek to boycott the Jewish state. In reality, the products are made in the West Bank – on land stolen from Palestinians.
House Dems remove $1B in extra funding for Israel’s Iron Dome from budget bill
Republican Congress members flip out over the removal of an extra $1 billion gift to Israel on a budget bill (that they weren’t going to vote for anyway). Activists for justice for Palestinians hail the event as “an unprecedented moment for Palestinian rights.”
Pro-Israel America announces new round of congressional endorsements
Though the midterms are still far off, the bipartisan advocacy group Pro-Israel America has been aggressively promoting candidates ahead of the 2022 midterms – see list. PIA claims that it raised more than $3 million for pro-Israel candidates in the 2020 elections.
Democratic primaries will reveal party’s debate on Israel
In Ohio race, Nina Turner supports Palestinian rights, in New York, Rana Abdelhamid is the justice Dem… the Israel lobby remains strong, but there is a growing trend to support Palestinian rights…