Category: Israel’s treatment of Christians

[caption id="attachment_266956" align="alignleft" width="870"]The Christmas tree at Manger Square near the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, West Bank, Dec. 3, 2022. The Christmas tree at Manger Square near the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, West Bank, Dec. 3, 2022.[/caption]

Israeli guards called him “the Christian” to insult him, then beat him some more

Israeli police burst into his home, broke his nose and a tooth, then dragged him by force, bound and blindfolded, to their van. After 41 days of beatings in an Israeli prison, 16-year-old Shadi Khoury is finally released to house arrest

His family had to break their usual tradition of visiting his grandmother on Christmas in Bethlehem and attending Christmas mass because of Shadi’s house arrest…

His mother is concerned that his adolescence has been lost forever…

Does Israel Permit Freedom of Worship? Are Palestinian Christians Doomed?

There is an ongoing elimination of Christianity in the region where it was born being carried out by Israel and its friends. The United States has been the enabler of much of the change in spite of the prevalence of self-described devout Christians in Congress, many of whom ironically are vocal and even enthusiastic supporters of Israeli “security” policies.

How Israeli Jews’ Fear of Christianity Turned Into Christian Hatred

Hasn’t the time come to examine the way enmity toward Christians is inculcated and nurtured among the Jewish population in Israel? New book reports that the life of Jesus and the religion he spawned are taught in Israeli schools in a way that’s inconsistent with their influence on European culture and Western civilization…

Christians in Jerusalem’s Old City ‘under threat’ from settlers

Theophilos III, Greek Orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem, seeks worldwide support for maintaining the status quo in Jerusalem, where settler groups are vandalizing church property and covertly buying up land in the Old City; Jerusalem’s city council wants $200 million in back taxes from churches; land may be expropriated. Phone Congress!