Israel “destroyed 244 villages and built-up areas in the Golan and expelled their population, sparing only five villages (Majdal Shams, Buq’ata, Ain Qunya, Mas’ada and al-Ghajar). Not even places of worship, schools and health centres escaped destruction. The underlying aim of the occupation authorities was to eliminate Arab landmarks and obliterate the Arab identity of the Golan, as a result of which anyone who visits the Golan today is able to identify the locations of the former Arab villages only from their ruins…”
Testimonies from some of the 8,000 Palestinian children Israel has imprisoned
Addameer reports that since the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory in 1967, more than 800,000 Palestinians have been detained under Israeli military orders–approximately 20 percent of the total Palestinian population in the oPt and as much as 40 percent of the total male Palestinian population… 8,000 Palestinian children have been arrested since 2000. Boys and young men are seized in the dead of night, blindfolded and cuffed, abused and manipulated to confess to crimes they didn’t commit. Every year Israel arrests almost 1,000 Palestinian youngsters, some of them not yet 13.
Israel partisans create yet another pro-Israel lobby group
AIPAC-connected officials are about to launch yet another pro-Israel political action committee, “Pro-Israel America,” which will be be targeting smaller donors. It hopes to give pro-Israel candidates from both parties at least $2 million in the 2020 elections and has already endorsed 27 candidates…
Goodbye to the Internet: Interference by Governments Is Already Here
In the wake of the New Zealand massacre and other serious incidents, some are calling for more policing of the internet. Philip Giraldi argues that US media is already over-regulated, and the bodies that oversee the regulating (for example Congress and ADL) can not be trusted to have our interests at heart.
Media ignore, disparage, or misrepresent Palestinian Right of Return
A FAIR study finds that major US news outlets rarely mention the Right of Return, although it is a primary part of the Israel/Palestine issue. In the last ten years, only 0.01 percent of coverage of Palestinians or Palestine in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post informs its audience about the right of return or even mentions it at all. When they do mention it, they generally imply that it is not a legitimate, UN-conferred right; or they describe the exercise of that right as an act of aggression/national “suicide” for Israel.
Without explanation, Israel tears down new Palestinian school in Jerusalem
On March 19th, with no advance warning, Israel evacuated a Palestinian school in Shaufat, Occupied East Jerusalem, then demolished it. The school’s principal reports that no official reason has been given.
FLORIDIANS: your freedom of speech is at risk – take action!
The Bill of Rights gives Americans the right to free speech, including the right to criticize any country on earth, including our own. But a Florida ‘hate crime’ bill working its way through the Florida legislature would interfere with Floridians’ constitutional right to make statements critical of one foreign country: Israel. Contact these Florida lawmakers now and tell them to vote no on this attempt to violate our freedom of speech!
B’tselem: Israeli “investigations” whitewash, perpetuate killing in Gaza
Israeli human rights organization B’tselem discusses Israel’s “investigations” into killings of Palestinians, which have served no authentic purpose, but only created an illusion of inquiry. B’tselem calls on the international community to demand real accountability.
Florida’s anti-Semitism bill would go even further in blocking free speech
A Florida ‘hate crime’ bill with an expanded, Israel-centric definition of anti-Semitism and no mention of other religions, is working its way through House committees. Critics say that it violates free speech. This is the latest step in an international campaign to rewrite the definition of anti-Semitism to prevent many criticisms of Israel.
Alison Weir: advocating for Palestine 18 years and counting
Eighteen years ago this month, Alison Weir returned from her eye-opening, independent trip to Palestine. Many people feel that she may be the Palestinians’ most enduring and relentless advocate.
Her tireless work includes meticulous media analysis, writing, speaking, and educating Americans (and justice-lovers around the world) about the little-known facts of the Nakba (“Catastrophe”), the oppression that Israel has been perpetrating on Palestinians for over seventy years, and how the United States, pressured by the Israel lobby, is complicit.